Comala Share It Retirement

Comala Share It will be retired on 15 April 2024.

3.0.4 Release Notes

Comala Share It 3.0.4

Jun 5, 2015

Comala Share It 3.0.4 is a compatibility, minor update, and bugfix release.


Install through the plugin manager or download from Atlassian Marketplace.


  • added Compatibility with Confluence v5.8


  • added support for embedded media files (mp3, mp4 etc) on shared pages

  • app now allows attachments on blog posts to be shared individually

  • the Shared button is now visible under the Brikit Theme


  • fixed a bug that prevented shared pages from being set to never expire

  • app now prevents page tree macro from causing errors on shared pages (this macro is not supported on shared pages)
