Script - display images and icons

Confluence images and icons

This example shows listing all images and icons from the Confluence install.

  String baseDir  = "<my confluence install dir>/confluence";     // web server base directory
  String imageDir = "/images/icons";            // sub path to images
  String path     = baseDir + imageDir;         // directory path on server 
  String server   = "http://<confluence url>";  // server url 
  String header   = "|| Icon || Icon name ||";  // wiki notation for 2 column table
  int numberOfColumns = 4;                      // adjust for appearance
  File icons = new File(path);                  
  String[] iconList = icons.list();             // all files in directory
  if (iconList == null) {
      out.println("List is empty");
  } else {
      Arrays.sort(iconList);                    // sort alphabetically
      int index = 0;                            // to list of icons
      int iconCount = iconList.length;  
      int numberPerColumn = (iconCount + numberOfColumns - 1)/numberOfColumns; // rounded appropriately
      for (int column=1; column<=numberOfColumns; column++) {
          for (int i=0; (i < numberPerColumn) && (index < iconCount); i++) {       
              out.println("| !" + server + imageDir + "/" + iconList[index] + "! |" + iconList[index] + " | ");
  out.println("List for: " + icons);  // document where the list comes from

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