Macro parameters

Script macros share a lot of common parameters. This table lists both common and macro specific parameters. 

ParameterMacro(s) supportedDescription

Determines how the output data of the script is to be formatted for output.

The following options are available:

  • html - Data is output as a HTML table (default)
  • xhtml - Data is rendered using the Confluence XHTML renderer
  • wiki - Data is rendered using the Confluence wiki renderer

Specifies the location of source code. Default is the macro body itself. If a location is specified, the included data will, by default, follow the body data.

The following options are available:

  • #filename - Data is read from the file located in Confluence home directory/script/filename. Subdirectories can be specified.
  • #http... - Data is read from the URL provided. If basic authentication is required, use the User and Password parameters.
  • global page template name - Data is read from a global page template.
  • space:page template name - Data is read from a space template.
  • ^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the current page.
  • page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page name provided.
  • space:page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page name provided in the space indicated.
bodyAfterAllDetermines where the macro body code is added w.r.t the script parameter. Default is false to add the body code before the script parameter code. Set to true to add the body code after the script code.
errorMessageAllProvides a more user friendly error message. If specified, error information for running the script is suppressed and only this error message is displayed in an error box. 

Determines how the error output is displayed. Default is false where the error output from the script is discarded. Set to true to display the error output from the script as unformatted text. Error output is generated with something like err.print("xxxxx").


Controls the display of the script code used. Default is false to never show the script code even if the script was successfully run. Set to true to always show a panel with the script code.

Formerly, was the showJava parameter which is still valid for source compatibility.

timeoutAllDetermines the time in seconds to wait for incoming data through the specified URL connection. Use this to increase time needed for slow connections. Be careful using 0 for an infinite wait.
userAllSpecifies the user ID to be used for URL connections requiring basic authentication.
passwordAllSpecifies the user password to be used for URL connections requiring basic authentication.
classpathGroovy, GantLoads external binaries that are not available to Confluence runtime. Provide the absolute path of the binary as an input to this _classpath_ parameter.
targetsGantSpecifies the list of Gant targets.
strictBeanshellControls what is considered valid source. This mode attempts to make BeanShell syntax behave as Java syntax, eliminating conveniences like loose variables, etc. When enabled, variables are required to be declared or initialized before use, and method arguments are required to have types.
sharejythonSpecifies the name required for Python interpreter sharing.
encodingAllDetermines the file encoding for an external file if different from the system default handling. Example: UTF8.

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