Release notes 4.0



Native Confluence 4.x macros

Editor and macro browser support. Confluence 3.x wiki macros are still supported.

Automatic Replacement of Content Properties

Extends the automatic replacement variables to include the content properties including metadata. A content property is some data (a key, value pair) associated with the page or other content. Content properties cannot be set directly by the user, but can be set by other add-ons. For example, the Metadata add-on. You must know the key of the property in order to access it. Use the following syntax for accessing property values: %property_key% where key is the content property key. An alternative is available for metadata specific content: %metadata_name% where name is the metadata name.


Example Metadata Replacements
{metadata:example1}Example 1 Text{metadata}
example1 from metadata: %metadata_example1%
example1 metadata as a property: %property_metadata.example1%
example1 from metadata: Example 1 test
example1 metadata as a property: Example 1 test

Regex conditions on the Hide macro

The hide macro provides a convenient way to hide content based on a parameter. This is useful in many situations including when used as part of a run body to conditionally display data based on user input. The new support allows for more conditions to control the conditional display and rendering:

  1. showIf - a comma separated list of regex:value pairs. Content will be shown if all values match their corresponding regex condition. This overrides the hide parameter if specified.
  2. hideIf - a comma separated list of regex:value pairs. Content will be hidden if all values match their corresponding regex condition. This overrides the hide and showIf parameters when specified.
  3. renderIf - a comma separated list of regex:value pairs. Content will be rendered if all values match their corresponding regex condition. This overrides the render parameter when specified. Note that content is rendered when it is not hidden no matter the setting of the render and renderIf parameters.

A literal parameter defaults to true so that all the regex strings are treated as simple strings to make things simple for most examples. With literal as false, then the full power of regex expressions can be used.

Other improvements

  1. Allow default value to be specified as choice text. This is in addition to the current support of specifying it a choice value.
  2. Minor performance improvement by an update to use slf4j logging

Resolved Issues

type key summary reporter assignee priority status resolution votes

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.



Native Confluence 4.x macros

Editor and macro browser support. Confluence 3.x wiki macros are still supported.

Automatic Replacement of Content Properties

Extends the automatic replacement variables to include the content properties including metadata. A content property is some data (a key, value pair) associated with the page or other content. Content properties cannot be set directly by the user, but can be set by other add-ons. For example, the Metadata add-on. You must know the key of the property in order to access it. Use the following syntax for accessing property values: %property_key% where key is the content property key. An alternative is available for metadata specific content: %metadata_name% where name is the metadata name.


Example Metadata Replacements
{metadata:example1}Example 1 Text{metadata}
example1 from metadata: %metadata_example1%
example1 metadata as a property: %property_metadata.example1%
example1 from metadata: Example 1 test
example1 metadata as a property: Example 1 test

Regex conditions on the Hide macro

The hide macro provides a convenient way to hide content based on a parameter. This is useful in many situations including when used as part of a run body to conditionally display data based on user input. The new support allows for more conditions to control the conditional display and rendering:

  1. showIf - a comma separated list of regex:value pairs. Content will be shown if all values match their corresponding regex condition. This overrides the hide parameter if specified.
  2. hideIf - a comma separated list of regex:value pairs. Content will be hidden if all values match their corresponding regex condition. This overrides the hide and showIf parameters when specified.
  3. renderIf - a comma separated list of regex:value pairs. Content will be rendered if all values match their corresponding regex condition. This overrides the render parameter when specified. Note that content is rendered when it is not hidden no matter the setting of the render and renderIf parameters.

A literal parameter defaults to true so that all the regex strings are treated as simple strings to make things simple for most examples. With literal as false, then the full power of regex expressions can be used.

Other improvements

  1. Allow default value to be specified as choice text. This is in addition to the current support of specifying it a choice value.
  2. Minor performance improvement by an update to use slf4j logging

Resolved Issues

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