Add Two Dimensional Rich Filter Statistics gadgets to your interactive Jira Dashboard
By the end of this tutorial, you'll know how to use the Two Dimensional Rich Filter Statistics gadget to display statistics by two criteria (Jira fields and/or Smart Filters) and control the displayed data using a Rich Filter Controller gadget.
How to add Two Dimensional (2D) Rich Filter Statistics Gadgets
For this tutorial, you must have already created a Rich Filter with at least a Smart Filter, a dashboard with a Controller, and preferably a Rich Filter Results gadget (with a couple of views) based on the Rich Filter. We have used the Rich Filter and dashboard from the previous tutorial.
In the Jira dashboard, click Add gadget to add a Two Dimensional Rich Filter Statistics gadget.
While configuring the gadget, make sure you set the same Rich Filter you have selected in the other gadgets in the same dashboard (Remember, this is what links together the gadgets in the same dashboard; a Controller controls all the gadgets that have the same Rich Filter as the Controller).
(Optional) If you want to exclude the canceled issues from the results, write the JQL: resolution in (EMPTY, Fixed) in the Working Query.
For the X Axis Statistics Type, you can select any Jira field or any smart filter (with Labels tag type) you have defined. For this example, we select the Warnings smart filter we have already defined in the Rich Filter.
Similarly, for the Y Axis Statistics Type, you can select any Jira field or smart filter (with Labels tag type) you have defined. For this example, we select the Assignee Jira field.
For the Values, keep the Issue Count (selected by default). Note that you could have changed this setting to output aggregated Time Tracking numbers, Story Points, or any other numeric value field.
Save the configuration of your gadget.
You'll notice that the gadget displays the Issue Count per Assignee and per the criteria you defined in the Warnings smart filter (excluding the canceled issues in case you have configured the Working Query). Also, the Controller in your dashboard impacts the data displayed by the gadget (the filters of the Controller are applied).
See also
Configuring the Two Dimensional Rich Filter Statistics Gadget
Add Rich Filter Pie Chart gadgets to your interactive Jira Dashboard