The Rich Filter Two Dimensional Statistics Gadget

The Rich Filter Two Dimensional Statistics Gadget


About the Rich Filter Two Dimensional Statistics Gadget 

The Rich Filter Two Dimensional Statistics gadget is a two-dimensional version of the Rich Filter Statistics Gadget. It allows grouping issues on two axes and computes statistics for each combination of values. It is similar to Jira’s built-in Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget, but it is based on a rich filter instead of a Jira saved search and thus adds several new features:

  • the collection of issues used for the statistics can be further filtered using Rich Filter Controller gadgets;

  • the gadget itself can further refine the results by applying a gadget-specific JQL that we call a working query;

  • the gadget can break down the results by a field or by a Smart Filter;

  • the gadget can also use a date field to break down the results by Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year;

  • the value type displayed by the gadget can be customized (for instance, to show the sum of Story Points instead of the Issue Count);

  • the gadget can display custom ratios;

  • the gadget’s title can be customized.

Rich Filter Extensions

Rich filter extensions are separate Jira apps installed on top of the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app to extend the rich filters and rich filter gadgets with new specific functionality.

New statistic options are available if you add any of these extensions:

Configuring the Rich Filter Two Dimensional Statistics Gadget

Add a new or edit an existing Rich Filter Two Dimensional Statistics gadget in your Jira dashboard. The configuration form of the gadget will be displayed:
