Add rich filter statistics gadgets to your interactive Jira dashboard

Add rich filter statistics gadgets to your interactive Jira dashboard

By the end of this tutorial, you'll know how to use the Rich Filter Statistics gadgets and control the displayed data using a Rich Filter Controller gadget. 

How to add (1D) Statistics gadgets

For this tutorial, you must already have created a Rich Filter with at least a Smart Filter, a dashboard with a Controller, and preferably a Rich Filter Results gadget (with a couple of views) based on the Rich Filter. We have used the Rich Filter and dashboard from the previous tutorial.

  1. In the Jira dashboard, add one Rich Filter Statistics Gadget. Click Add gadget.

  2. While gadget configuration, ensure you set the same rich filter you have selected in the other gadgets in the same dashboard (remember, this links together the gadgets in the same dashboard; a Controller controls all the gadgets with the same rich filter as the Controller).

  3. Suppose you need to exclude the canceled issues from the results (all issues having a non-empty resolution other than Fixed). In this case, write the JQL: resolution in (EMPTY, Fixed) in the Working Query

  4. Pick an Assignee for the Statistic Type.

  5. Save the configuration.

  6. The gadget will display the Issue Count for each assignee, excluding the canceled issues (because you have used the Working Query).

  7. If you click on the filters in the Controller you'll notice that the results displayed by the Statistics gadget are impacted (the filter of the Controller is also applied).

  8. Edit the Statistics gadget.

  9. Set the Title “Assignee Statistics” to use this title instead of the default one. 

  10. Add one new output value – Story Points:
    Click the '+' button to add a second value

    and select Story Points.

  11. Save the configuration of the gadget

  12. You'll notice that the gadget has the title you have set and it displays two outputs: Issue Count and Story Points.

  13. Add a new Rich Filter Statistics gadget to the dashboard.

  14. While configuring the gadget, select the Rich Filter you selected for the other gadget.

  15. In the Statistics Type list, you'll notice that you can also select the Smart Filters configured in the Rich Filter. Select the Warnings smart filter as a Statistic Type.

  16. Save the configuration of the gadget.

  17. The gadget will now display the Issue Count for each clause of the Smart Filter.


Smart Filters are a very powerful mechanism. By combining smart filters, the Rich Filter Statistics gadgets with all the range of possible outputs, and the Controllers you can immediately obtain statistics relevant for different contexts.

See also

Configuring Smart Filters

Configuring the Rich Filter Statistics Gadget

Add Two-Dimensional Rich Filter Statistics gadgets to your interactive Jira Dashboard