Pending Tasks

Pending Tasks


Keeping organized your team daily tasks helps to increase their productivity, meet their project deadlines, clear their minds and reduce their stress level. But having to track down all the places where the tasks are, may hinder the organization and success of the company projects: Jira, Confluence, Trello…

This gadget brings Confluence tasks to your team’s dashboard, displaying all the pending tasks of a given space. If you, like us, organize your projects by spaces, this gadget will make the perfect companion to track the completion and state of your project. The list of tasks consists of four columns: Page name where the task was created, the task description, the deadline to finish the task and the assignee.


Name your gadget meaningfully, so everyone knows at a glance what it is about and when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:

  • The datasource, where the Confluence instance is installed.

  • The space where the tasks are located.

  • Finally, indicate if you want to use the current settings for all the compatible gadgets in the dashboard. This option eases the pain of configuring one by one the rest of the gadgets with the same default configuration


We are working on our growing catalog of Dashboard Gadgets: KPIs and Metrics and Product and Data Integration, but contact us you want us to expedite a specific one, visit our Help Center.


This gadget is not included in any pre-defined dashboard, check other orphan gadgets:

See also

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