Enhanced Search View with JQL Search Extensions

While Power Scripts has many advanced features to enhance searching in Jira, it requires the creation and implementation of those scripts. Also, Power Scripts does not offer an “Enhanced Search View” which allows custom JQL functions that are not available in native Jira JQL searches to be used. JQL Search Extensions is an Appfire product that offers many pre-built JQL keywords (aliases) and has a robust Enhanced Search View with many JQL functions available and can be used in combination with Power Scripts.


JQL Search Extensions is an app that extends Jira Cloud's search and reporting capabilities. It delivers additional keywords and functions not available in native Jira advanced search to improve the speed, precision, and relevance of your issue searches. Your queries can be saved as filters and used anywhere you would use a standard Jira filter.

You can start a free trial of JQL Search Extensions from the Atlassian Marketplace.

JQL Search Extensions and Power Scripts example use cases

Here are some potential use cases and solutions that can be created by combining JQL Search Extensions and Power Scripts:


To learn more about how JQL Search Extensions can work for you, see the JQL Search Extensions user documentation.