

Edits a comment with the specified id and text. Optional, you can edit the security level for comment. Returns the comment representation after the edit.


Return Type


The comment representation with the following keys:


Example 1

string newComm = "This comment was edited."; return editComment(11801, newComm);

Edits the comment with id 11801 with the specified text.

Example 2

string newComm = "This comment was edited."; return editComment(11801, newComm, false);

Edits the comment with id 11801 with the specified text, the issue comment edited event will not be triggered.

Example 3

JComment jcomment = getCommentById(11801); string oldComm = jcomment["text"]; string newComm = oldComm + "\nEditing the comment"; return editComment (11801, newComm, "Developers");

Edits a comment by adding new text to the old one and that can be viewed only by "Developers".

See also