Support for Atlassian Server Products (and apps like Power Scripts) is ending in February 2024.
Are you planning a migration to Cloud? Make sure you don't lose your Power Scripts data/configurations in the process. Check out the Server to Cloud Migration page for information on how to migrate your Power Scripts data to Cloud. Contact our support team if you have any questions.
Scripting Tips and Tricks
Ramblings from experienced SIL scripters that may help you in your journey to become a scripting ninja.
Here are 10 tips (for now) to help you along your scripting journey. These tips are in no particular order.
Use Aliases
There are currently 3 methods for accessing data from a custom field:
By Name
By SIL Alias
However, only one of these methods is recommended, see below for more details.
Name – While generally readable, the names of custom fields can be changed by admins who may not be aware that they are being used in a script.…
Organizing scripts in the SIL Manager is one of those things that everyone does wrong when they first start using the tools. Assume that you will end up with hundreds of script because you are so fond of all the magical things they can do to save you time that you keep creating them because you can’t get enough of them (usually happens).…
When writing large and complicated scripts it can become hard to debug the script. Either it becomes difficult to determine where in the large script the point of failure is contained or it is just difficult to identify why the code is not working. A simple solution to this is to add logic to your script that allows you to break it into smaller sections for easier debugging. Or, perhaps you do not wish to perform certain actions while debugging, like sending emails to users.…
Having files that do not contain SIL code is very common. Advanced scripters use a wide variety of file types to build their automation and integration solutions.
Monday Mashups
Interesting examples of mashing up Power Apps with other applications to create some amazing results.
Ok, that was a bad attempt at a clever portmanteau https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau. Bas attempt aside, when you combine SIL and Excel you do create a powerful combination. SIL (almost) always had the ability to work with CSV files which was almost good enough. However, now with the release of the SIL Excel Connecter https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1226893/sil-excel-connector?hosting=datacenter&tab=overview everything has gotten even better.…
Most people have never even considered the possibility of adding images to Jira custom fields. However, this can actually be done with Jira out-of-the-box if you know the tricks. However, by itself, it is not very useful. You need some automation behind it to create something powerful. And, believe me, you can create some really powerful solutions using images.
Action icons used in Jira Service Management queues
Every knows how useful the automation in Jira Service Management can be. However,…
Some alerts are more important than others and there are times when it is very important that the message is received. When I was a Jira admin (way back when) we had a problem with our server and it would randomly restart. I wanted to know when this happened because sometimes Jira would start correctly, sometimes it wouldn’t. This was way back in the days of Jira 5 (I think).…
Today’s mashup come to us from a company in a highly regulated industry that needed to remove users who had not used Jira in the past 90 days. Users would come back from a leave of absence (or just start using Jira again) and flood the support team with requests to restore their access to Jira.
Since this Data Center instance did not have Service Management they didn’t have a way for non-licensed users (or customers) to create a ticket easily. Yes,…
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