


Returns a map with all standard and custom fields of an issue. The map contains pairs of field name and field values.


Return Type

String []

The return value is a string array containing all fields values for the selected issue. Each value can be retrieved from the array by key (the field id).


Example 1

string[] fields = getIssueFields("DEMO-1"); return fields["summary"];

Example 2

We can use the function to partially clone an issue by copying only some of the fields from the original issue:

string[] fields = getIssueFields("TP-1", true); string issue = createIssue(fields["project"], fields["parent"], fields["issueType"], fields["summary"] + " - part 2"); %issue%.customfield_10000 = fields["customfield_10000"]; %issue%.description = "Partial clone of issue TP-1"; return issue;

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