How to work with polls

How to work with polls


This article provides details on the various actions that can be performed on a poll. You can view the current progress, edit, make copies, reset, close or delete a poll. All these actions are available from the Polls menu (server) or Polls Administration (cloud) to see the list of polls and click the required action.

Click any of the following links to know more:

Editing a poll

You can edit a poll and modify the poll to add, change or delete any of the poll settings.

Click Edit (server) or the icon (cloud) to edit the poll. Based on server/cloud version and poll type, make the required changes and click Save/Save Poll to confirm.

Making copies of an existing poll

You can make copies of a poll as a starting point for your next poll. Edit the parameters as needed to add, change or remove options from the poll.

Click Copy (server) or the icon (cloud) to make a copy. Expand the Parameter list section from above to see the complete list of available parameters.

If the Allow unregistered users to vote and Vote anonymously parameters were enabled for a poll and the poll is copied, the parameters are shown as enabled. If this copy of the poll is then edited, these parameters are shown as disabled.

Resetting a poll

You can reset a poll and revert all the votes to restart a poll. All the existing votes are overridden with this action and the bar chart on the poll will go back to its initial state.

Click Reset (server) or the icon (cloud) to reset the required poll. A confirmation message is shown. Select Yes to proceed or No to cancel the action.

Closing a poll

You can set a date and time to automatically close a poll during poll creation itself. If this option was not used, you can manually close a poll with this action.

Click Close (server) or the icon (cloud) to stop voting for a poll. A confirmation message is shown. Select Yes to proceed or No to cancel the action.

Deleting a poll

You can remove a poll with its statistics from the poll list with this action. This action is permanent.

Click Delete (server) or the icon to delete the poll. A confirmation message is shown. Select Yes to proceed or No to cancel the action.

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