Manage issue schemes
What is an issue scheme?
Issue schemes are sets of issues that can be used when creating a project. When you choose an issue scheme for a project template, it automatically adds those same issues to any project created from that template.
Creating a new issue scheme
To create a new issue scheme:
Go to the top right corner and select Settings > Apps.
In the left sidebar, navigate to DELEGATED PROJECT CREATOR and click on Issue schemes.
Enter a meaningful scheme name and description, then click the plus sign () to add it to the version scheme list.
You can rearrange the order of issue schemes by using drag and drop ().
Editing, copying, or deleting a scheme
Edit a scheme
On the Issue schemes page, select the pencil button (Edit) next to the scheme you wish to modify.
Edit the scheme details within the row and click Update to save your changes.
Copy a scheme
Click the copy icon
next to an existing scheme.
Enter a name in the Copy scheme dialog and click Copy to duplicate the scheme details to a new issue scheme.
Delete a scheme
Click the trash icon (Delete) next to the scheme you want to remove.
A confirmation message will appear along with the associated list of project templates.
Adding issues to a scheme
There are two ways to add issues to a scheme:
importing issues from a project, or
creating new issues.
Importing issues from a project
To import issues from a project:
On the Issue schemes page, click the arrow icon next to an existing issue scheme to access a new screen for adding issues.
Click the Import from project button to select a project and import its issues.
Choose whether to retain epic links for issues from the parent project.
Click the Import project button.
In the Default issues to import window, check the boxes in the Select issue column to include or exclude respective issues.
When ready, click Looks good, import the project. All selected issues from the imported project will appear on the respective Issue scheme page.
Creating new issues
Create new issue - Click this button to create a new issue and associate it with the scheme. Refer to the following example:
Adding labels,versions,components- Click this button to create a new issue and associate it with the scheme and click + for add fields.
You can use , , or icons next to an issue to edit, copy, or delete the respective issue.
The hierarchy of the issues from the project that the issue scheme is imported from, is retained as is.
The Epic link field is displayed based on the Issue type value selected in the Create new issue window.
The epic link(s) that are not associated with an active project yet are highlighted with a asterisk (*) in the Epic Link field.