Manage template permissions

Manage template permissions

Permission types

There are three types of permissions that can be granted to groups:

  • Permission to create new projects from templates.
  • Permission to own a project created from a template. The users in groups granted this permission can be designated as the project lead during the project creation. 
    Note that:
    • If no group is specified, the project lead is defaulted to the project creator. 
    • If the group specified only has one user, the project lead automatically becomes that user.
  • Permission to request a new project.

To know how trusted users can make use of these permissions, refer to User's Guide.

Grant project creation permissions to a group

  1. Select Apps from the Settings menu (on the top right corner.
  2. Navigate to DELEGATED PROJECT CREATOR > Permission settings in the left sidebar to view the permission settings page.
  3. Start typing text into Groups to add text field to select a group from the auto-suggestions.
  4. Click: 
    1. Add to creators to add a selected group to the category of groups on the left that allows the respective group users to create new projects.
    2. Add  to owners to add a selected group to the category of groups under "Groups that can OWN projects"  that allows the respective group users to own projects.
    3. Add to requestors to add a selected group to the category of groups under "Groups that can REQUEST projects" to request projects.
    4. Add to creators(CSV) to add a selected group to the category of groups on the left that allows the respective group users to create projects in bulk from CSV

Revoke permissions from a group

Click remove next to the respective group whose permissions you want to revoke.

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