Release notes March 2024
Release date: Mar 25, 2024
Our team is thrilled to announce the latest release of OKR for Jira Cloud.
Contents |
Video Overview
Watch this two-minute video instead of reading.
In this release, we've completely revamped the creation flow for OKRs, beginning with the initiation of new OKRs, progressing through the OKR creation process, and concluding with the final destination post-creation.
New OKR Creation flow
New creation dialogs
The new creation experience in the form of a dialog is simple, compact, and self-explanatory. It also tries to fetch and pre-set as much relevant data as possible from the context.
There are three dialogs that slightly differ from each other:
Objective creation dialog
Sub-objective creation dialog
Key Result creation dialog
Key Result
New experiences with restrictions, weights, and tips
Reduced redirects
Now you can create OKRs directly from Objective details and the Tree view without multiple redirects and switching between pages.
Overview page improvements
Revised OKR actions
From now on, all the Objectives will have More actions visible all the time, while KRs will have those available on hovers.
Additionally, the “More Actions” menu has been redesigned. We've also introduced the Tree-view feature, which is particularly useful for creating a large number of OKRs under a specific parent.
Tree-view improvements
Tree-view available from Overview
Tree view, which provides a hierarchical context for a specific OKR and helps create numerous OKRs for a specific parent, is also available from the Overview page, not only after creating a specific OKR.
Improved Tree-view navigation and actions
The OKR menu is now available for a quick switch to any app page.
Updated navigation to return to the previous page brings consistency to the user experience.
Reworked the “More actions” menu and added the “Clone OKR” option.
Questions and feedback
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A heartfelt thank you to our valued customers! Your incredible support and feedback inspire us to improve our apps and products continually. You are the driving force behind why we create software. We appreciate your trust in OKR for Jira!