Manual migration tasks


Manual Migration Tasks

You will need to undertake and check some manual tasks to complete the set of your cloud site. These tasks include

User migration

The migration of the actual users for access must be done as part of the Atlassian Migration Assistant. If the migration has not included the users then errors may occur when completing the space setup in cloud and applying your Comala Publishing app.

Page restrictions

Any page with view or edit restrictions cannot be included in migration to Cloud with the page restrictions in place. You will need to temporarily remove the restrictions to allow migration of these pages to take place without any errors.

Install Comala Publishing app

Prior to migration you will need to install the Comala Publishing for Cloud app.

Publishing status

The current publish and sync status is copied in the migration for the published pages.

Tasks after completing the Atlassian migration process

Once you have enabled migration and undertaken the migration using the Atlassian Migration Assistant, to complete your cloud site you need to undertake tasks for

If you are migrating Comala Document Management only the current workflow state is migrated not the full workflow history.

Avoiding migrated user login issues

After the migration process has been completed it is recommended to exit and log in so migrated users are available (otherwise, the Cloud instance doesn’t recognize them).

Please feel free to raise a support ticket with the support team.