• Verified

  • Guide to JSU error messages


    This page provides information about the different types of errors that can occur in JSU Cloud and actions you can take to resolve them. The messages below are listed alphabetically by error title.

    If a JSU rule execution fails, JSU displays an error message and records the error in the Execution Log.

    Field does not exist

    This error occurs when a field to be actioned does not exist. This can happen if you configure your workflow and then later delete the field defined in the configuration from the origin or target issue. The message includes the field component ID.

    Solution: In the rule that produced the error, update the field component with a valid field then publish the workflow again.

    Field was not found on screen

    This error occurs when a field is absent from the specified screen type. The message includes the post function, relevant field ID, issue type, and screen type.

    Solution: Add the missing field to the specified screen type. Alternatively, set the Perform as User option to JSU Add-On User in the specified post function to override this requirement.

    If this error occurs for a Create Linked Issue post function, add the missing field to the Create transition screen. The perform as JSU Add-on user option can’t override missing fields on the Create transition.

    Invalid workflow rule configuration

    This error occurs when a rule is configured so that it can’t be executed. This can be because of missing parameters or incorrect or incompatible options selected in the configuration. For example, you may have configured a Create a Linked Issue post function where the issue type for the new issue and the issue relation were not compatible.

    Solution: Review the rule, make any necessary adjustments then publish the workflow again. If you can’t identify the problem, contact our support team, referencing the log ID provided in the error message.

    JSU can’t find the transition ID

    This is an internal error with JSU that occurs when it can’t identify a transition ID.

    Solution: Contact Appfire Support referencing the log ID provided in the error message.

    JSU encountered an internal error

    An internal error occurs with JSU and not with your configuration. You do not need to make any changes to your workflow to resolve this error.

    Solution: Try refreshing your browser page. If the error persists, contact our support team.

    Missing permissions

    This error occurs when the Perform As User (or actor) defined for a post function does not have the necessary permissions to perform the action following a transition. For example, you have configured the Update Any Issue Field post function to change the assignee when an issue moves to IN PROGRESS but set the Perform As User to a named user who does not have permission to change the Assignee field.

    Solution: Change the Perform As User to a different user with the required permissions, or use the JSU Automation Suite for Jira Workflows user. This user setting contains all the necessary permissions to perform your rule actions.

    No issue found

    This error occurs when JSU can’t find the issue to be actioned. For example, you configure a Linked Issue post function to action a subtask of the issue in the transition, but the issue does not have any subtasks.

    Solution: Change the issue relation type for the post function or create the required issues for the selected relation type, for example, add subtasks to the triggering issue. See Related Issues to learn more.

    Required field missing

    (Create a Linked Issue post function)

    This error occurs when a value for a required field is missing for the new issue and therefore it can’t be created for the selected issue type.

    Solution: Set the field as optional in your Jira field configuration or change the selected issue type in the post function configuration.

    Required field missing

    (Transition screen)

    This error occurs when a value for a required field for a transition screen is not provided. The message contains the name of the missing field.

    Solution: In Jira, set the field as optional or add an update field component for the required field.

    Transition can’t be completed

    This error occurs if an issue in a source status does not have a transition to the destination status.

    Solution: Choose a valid destination status in your transition issue component, or modify the corresponding workflow to create a transition from the source status to the destination status.

    Transition caused infinite loop

    This message is displayed when an automation rule results in an endless cycle of issue creation and follow-up transitions following the triggering of the origin issue. Performing this transition would result in an infinite loop, so JSU stops it to protect your system.

    Solution: Review your automations across all apps, including built-in automation. Automations that trigger follow-up automations should be reviewed, changed, or removed. If you need help, contact Appfire Support referencing the log ID

    See Infinite loop detection to learn more.

    Transition does not exist

    This error can occur if the transition configured for the rule has been deleted or is hidden by a workflow condition.

    Solution: Update the transition issue component with a valid transition, or change the workflow itself and implement a valid transition to use in the rule.

    Validation rejected the transition

    This error occurs when a validator (check) rejects the transition.

    Solution: Change or remove the validator from the workflow. Alternatively, update the rule so that it complies with the selected validator. If you have multiple workflow apps installed, check if any conditions or validators configured are affecting your JSU rules.

    See Workflow validators to learn more.
