Event-based Actions
An Event-based Action is a series of one or more JMWE post-functions that run when a change is made to an issue, such as when fields are modified, an issue is transitioned, or a comment is added.
Some examples of what can be achieved through Event-based Actions are:
Synchronizing changes to a field with related issues such as sub-tasks, linked issues, epics, etc.
Calculating the value of a field based on the values of another field. See this post for a demonstration.
Copying a comment added by a customer on a Service Management request to linked Jira Software issues.
Validating data when a user edits an issue field on the issue view screen (as opposed to validating field values during a transition, for which you should use a Validator). See this video for a demonstration.
To access Event-based Actions:
Log into your Jira instance as an administrator.
Click the Settings icon in the upper right corner and select Apps.
Under JIRA MISC WORKFLOW EXTENSIONS in the left-hand panel, click Event-based Actions.
The Event-based Actions page (Figure 1, right) lists all Event-based Actions that have been created, as well as the following:
Search - Filter the list of Event-based actions by action ID.
Create new action - Click to create a new Event-based Action.
Shared action list - A list of all Event-based Actions for the instance. The list includes the following information:
Enabled - Status of an Event-based Action. By default, a newly created Event-based Action is enabled.
Action Name - The name of the Event-based Action. Click the name to edit the Event-based Action.
Event(s) - The event or events that will trigger the action.
Projects - The number of projects to which the Event-based Action has been applied.
Hover over the badge to see a list of projects in which the Event-based Action is used.Post-functions - The number of post-functions included in the Event-based Action.
Hover over the badge to see a list of the post-functions included in the Event-based Action.Action menu - Click to open a menu with specific actions for the Event-based Action:
Duplicate - Create a copy of the Event-based Action. The new action will have the same name as the original, with “- copy” appended.
View Summary - Open the Summary window (Figure 2, right), listing the triggering event for the action, the projects and issues included in the action, and the Post-functions that will run in the Event-based Action.
ID - The Jira ID of the Event-based Action. Click the menu option to copy the ID value to your clipboard. This value can be used in the JMWE Logs page to filter the logs by Action ID.
Delete - Permanently delete the Event-based Action.
In the event that an Event-based Action encounters a serious issue, it may be disabled by Appfire. In these circumstances, the Enabled column will show as either Disabled or Blocked with a message “This event-based action was disabled/blocked by Appfire. Please contact Appfire support for details”.
Filter and Sort
Configure an Event-based Action
When you create or edit an Event-based Action, the Event-based Action Editor will open (Figure 3, right). The Event-based Action Editor uses the JMWE Automation Rule Builder, consisting of two side-by-side panels; the left panel has buttons for selecting each configuration category (e.g. When for the event that triggers the action), and the right panel includes specific configuration options for the selected category.
To configure an Event-based Action set the following configurations:
Action name (Point 1, Figure 3, right) - Required. Click the name to edit. Enter a meaningful name and hit Enter, or click the check button, to save.
Description (Point 1, Figure 3, right) - Click Add a description to edit the Scheduled Action description. Enter a detailed explanation of the action and click the check button to save.
When/Event (Point 2, Figure 3, right) - Click the When header or the Event button. In the right panel, select the event that will trigger the action. See Events, below for more information.
Ignore events caused by JMWE post-functions and actions - Check this box to prevent the Event-based action from triggering when another JMWE post-function or action runs.
Ignore events caused by Jira Automation and other apps - Check this box to prevent the Event-based action from triggering when the event is caused by a native Jira Automation or other app.
If Scope/Projects (Point 3, Figure 3, right) - Click the If Scope header or the Projects button to configure which projects will trigger the Event-based Action; only events on issues within the selected projects will trigger the action. See Projects and Issue Types, below, for more information.
If you do not select a specific project(s), issues from all projects will trigger the action.Issue Types (Point 4, Figure 3, right) - Click the Issue Types button to configure which issue types will trigger the Event-based Action. See Projects and Issue Types, below, for more information.
If you do not select specific issue type(s), all issue types will trigger the action.Only apply to issues that match a JQL filter - Check this box to use a JQL query to filter the issues that should trigger the action.
Only apply to issues that match a Nunjucks condition - Check this box to use a Nunjucks