Code snippet articles
Code snippet articles
This page has the list of code snippet articles that can be used in Jira Misc Workflow Extensions Cloud.
- Add a certain number of days to a date excluding the weekends
- Add a web link to an issue
- Add certain number of minutes/hours/days/weeks/months to a date
- Add days to a date excluding specific days.
- Checking the value of a multi-valued field
- Code snippet to get the date, time when the issue was moved to a specific status
- Copy attachment(s) with a specific word in the file name
- Copy Confluence links of the current issue to the new issue in "Create issue(s) (JMWE app)" post-function
- Copy field value (the value before the transition) to another field
- Copy linked issues(of a specific link type) from current issue to new issue in Create / Clone issue(s) (JMWE app)
- Copy remote links of the current issue to a new issue in "Create issue(s) (JMWE app)" post-function
- Create a new issue in a different Jira Cloud instance
- Delete attachment(s) with a specific word in the file name
- Fetch a subset of values of a multi-valued field based on a condition
- Fetch the comment added during a transition
- Fetch the value of a multi-value field when you know it has only one value
- Find the earliest unreleased version scheduled after a certain date
- Find the next unreleased version
- Getting the current user
- Link parent of current sub-task to the new ticket in Create issue(s) (JMWE app) post-function.
- Send email to members of groups selected in multi-group picker field
- Set a date field to today's date
- Set an Estimate of the issue to the difference of two specific dates
- Set Component/s field from a Cascading field
- Unselect an option in a multi-select field using JMWE post-function
- Uncheck/Unselect an option
- Code to insert a table of attachments in the Email Issue post-function