Predefined Custom Fields

Predefined Custom Fields

This page explains how to access the value of Predefined custom fields using Nunjucks. Each field's structure is explained with examples. To understand how to write values into these fields see, Text input for fields and JSON input for fields.

It is now possible to access any field of an issue by its Field name or ID. Click here to know how to find the ID of custom fields.


{{ issue.fields.Account.name }} and {{ issue.fields.customfield_10003.name }}, both return the name of the selected Tempo account.

When the field name contains a space or any special character, you need to use the array syntax to access the field:


{{ issue.fields['Capture for JIRA Browser'] }}

{{ issue.fields['[CHART] Date of First Response'}}

In this page: 

Capture for JIRA fields

Capture for JIRA Browser

  • Field name: Capture for JIRA Browser

  • Description: The Capture for JIRA Browser field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the browser of the page captured.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Capture for JIRA Browser field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Capture for JIRA Browser. Browser of the page captured.
    		"customfield_10008":"Chrome 53.0.2785.143",
  • Accessing the Capture for JIRA Browser field
    • Capture for JIRA Browser field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Capture for JIRA Browser'] }}

Capture for JIRA Document Mode

  • Field name: Capture for JIRA Document Mode

  • Description: The Capture for JIRA Document Mode field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the document mode of the page captured.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Capture for JIRA Document mode field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Capture for JIRA Document Mode. Document Mode of the page captured.
    		"customfield_10013":"Standards (CSS1Compat)",
  • Accessing the Capture for JIRA Document Mode field
    • Capture for JIRA Document mode field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Capture for JIRA Document Mode'] }}

Capture for JIRA jQuery Version

  • Field name: Capture for jQuery Version

  • Description: The Capture for JIRA jQuery Version field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the jQuery version of the page captured.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Capture for JIRA jQuery version field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Capture for JIRA jQuery Version. jQuery Version of the page captured.
  • Accessing the Capture for JIRA jQuery Version field
    • Capture for JIRA jQuery version field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Capture for jQuery Version'] }}

Capture for JIRA Operating System

  • Field name: Capture for JIRA Operating System

  • Description: The Capture for JIRA Operating system field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the operating system of the page captured.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Capture for JIRA Operating system field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Capture for JIRA Operating System. Operating System of the page captured.
    		"customfield_10009":"Windows NT 10.0",
  • Accessing the Capture for JIRA Operating System field
    • Capture for JIRA Operating System field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Capture for JIRA Operating System'] }}

Capture for JIRA Screen Resolution

  • Field name: Capture for JIRA Screen Resolution

  • Description: The Capture for JIRA Screen Resolution field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the screen resolution of the page captured.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Capture for JIRA Screen Resolution field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Capture for JIRA Screen Resolution. Screen Resolution of the page captured.
  • Accessing the Capture for Screen resolution field
    • Capture for JIRA Screen resolution field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Capture for JIRA Screen Resolution'] }}

Capture for JIRA URL

  • Field name: Capture for JIRA URL

  • Description: The Capture for JIRA URL field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the URL of the page captured.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Capture for JIRA URL field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Capture for JIRA URL. URL of the page captured.
  • Accessing the Capture for JIRA URL field
    • Capture for JIRA URL field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Capture for JIRA URL'] }}

Capture for JIRA User Agent

  • Field name: Capture for JIRA User Agent

  • Description: The Capture for JIRA User agent field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the user agent of the page captured.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Capture for User agent field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Capture for JIRA User Agent. User Agent of the page captured.
    		"customfield_10007":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143  
  • Accessing the Capture for JIRA User Agent field
    • Capture for JIRA User Agent field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Capture for JIRA User Agent'] }}

Raised during

  • Field name: Raised during

  • Description: The Raised during field is a string representation of a number which is the ID of the session the issue was raised in.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Raised during field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Raised during. Session in which the issue was created using Capture for JIRA.
  • Accessing the Raised during field
    • Raised during field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Raised during'] }}

Test sessions

  • Field name: Test sessions

  • Description: The Test sessions field is a string representation of a number which is the ID of the session issue belongs to.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Test Sessions field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Test Sessions. Test Sessions to which the current issue belongs to.
  • Accessing the Test Sessions field
    • Test Sessions field of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Test sessions'] }}

Testing status

  • Field name: Testing status

  • Description: The Testing status field is a string representation of a text describing the status of the issue in a session.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Testing status field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Testing status
    		"customfield_10014":"Not started",
  • Accessing the Testing status field
    • Testing status field of the issue: {{ issue.fields.customfield_xxxxx }}

Jira Software fields

Epic Color

  • Field name: Epic Color

  • Description: The Epic color field is a string representation of a text describing the color of the Epic.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Epic color field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Color of the Epic

  • Accessing the Epic color field
    • Epic color: {{ issue.fields['Epic Color'] }}

  • Field name: Epic Link

  • Description: The Epic link field is a string representation of the issue key.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Epic link field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //KEY of the Epic

  • Accessing the Epic Link field
    • Epic link: {{ issue.fields['Epic Link'] }}

Epic Name

  • Field name: Epic Name

  • Description: The Epic name field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the name of the Epic.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Epic name field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //Name of the Epic
    		"customfield_10020":"An Epic",
  • Accessing the Epic name field
    • Epic name: {{ issue.fields['Epic Name'] }}

Epic Status

  • Field name: Epic Status

  • Description: The Epic status field is an object representing the status of the Epic.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Epic status field
    			"self":String, //URL of the Epic status
    			"value":String, //Value of the Epic status
    			"id":String //ID of the Epic status
    			"value":"To Do",
  • Accessing the Epic status field
    • Epic status value: {{ issue.fields['Epic Status'].value }}

    • Epic status ID: {{ issue.fields['Epic Status'].id }}


  • Field name: Flagged

  • Description: The Flagged field is an array of objects. Each object represents an option of the checkbox. By default, there's only one possible value: Impediment

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Flagged field
                	"self":String, //URL of the choice
                	"value":String, //Value of the choice
                	"id":String //ID of the choice
  • Accessing the Flagged field
    • The value of the last option selected in the Flagged field

      {{ issue.fields["Flagged"] | last | field("value") }}
    • Display the values of all selected options, separated by a comma:

      {{ issue.fields["Flagged"] | join(",","value") }}
    • Test whether the issue has been flagged:

      {{ issue.fields["Flagged"] | find({"value":"Impediment"}) != null }}


  • Field name: Sprint

  • Description: The Sprint field is an array of strings.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Sprint field
    				name=CFLIORT Sprint 3,
  • Accessing the Sprint field: Because each string is an internal representation of a Sprint, accessing this field is not of much use.

Story Points

  • Field name: Story Points

  • Description: The Story points field is a string representation of a number describing the number of story points.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Story points field
    		"customfield_xxxxx": Number, //Story points
  • Accessing the Story points field
    • Story points of the issue: {{ issue.fields.customfield_xxxxx }}

    • Increase the story points by 10:

      {% set SP = issue.fields['Story Points'] %}
      {{ SP + 10 }}

Jira Service Desk fields


  • Field name: Approvals

  • Description: The Approvals field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the search options for Jira Service Desk approvals information.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Approvals field
  • Accessing the Approvals field: Accessing this field is not of much use.


  • Field name: Approvers

  • Description: The Approvers field is an array of object. Each object represents an approver.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Approvers field
    				"self": String, //URL of the approver
    				"accountId": String, //AccountId of the approver
    				"emailAddress": String, //Email address of the approver
    				"avatarUrls": //URLs of approver avatar
    					"48x48": String,
    					"24x24": String,
    					"16x16": String,
    					"32x32": String
    				"displayName": String, //Display name of the approver
    				"active": Boolean, //True if approver is active
    				"timeZone": String, //Timezone of the approver
    				"accountType": String //Account type
    				//Second approver details and so on..
    				"self": "https://validationenvironment.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5ca5b1469a000c1180956957",
    				"accountId": "accountId:5ca5b1469a000c1180956957",
    				"accountType": "atlassian"
    				//Second approver details and so on..
  • Accessing the Approvers field
    • Name of the last approver of the issue: {{ issue.fields.Approvers | last |field("accountId") }}

    • On reopening an issue, set the assignee to the user selected on the transition screen, only if the user belongs to the approvers. If not, set the assignee field to the first approver:

      {% set assignee = issue.fields.Assignee.accountId %}
      {% set users = issue.fields.Approvers %}
      {% set var = false %}
      {% for user in users %}
      	{% if user.accountId == assignee %}
      		{% set var = true %}
      {% endfor %}
      	{% set var = true %}
      {% if not var %}
      	{%set firstuser = users | first %}
      	{{ firstuser.accountId }}

      Select Ignore empty value option in the post-function configuration, so as to not clear the field if the value is empty or null.

    • Display all the users in the approvers field with their display name and email address separated by a hyphen:

      {% set users = issue.fields.Approvers %}
      {% for user in users %}
      	{{ user.displayName }} - {{ user.emailAddress }}
      {% endfor %}

Customer Request Type

  • Field name: Customer Request Type

  • Description: The Customer request type field represents an object describing the information about the Service Desk used to create the ticket.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Customer request type fields
    				"jiraRest": String, // URL of the rest api
    				"web": String, //URL of the ticket
    				"self": String //URL of the request
    				"id": String, //ID of the request type
    					"self": String //URL of the request type
    				"name": String, //Name of the request type
    				"description": String, //Description of the request type
    				"helpText": String, //Help text of the request type
    				"serviceDeskId": String, //Service desk ID
    				"groupIds":[String], //Array of group ID's
    					"id": String, //ID of the icon
    							"48x48": String, //URL of the icon avatar
    							"24x24": String, //URL of the icon avatar
    							"16x16": String, //URL of the icon avatar
    							"32x32": String //URL of the icon avatar
    				"name":"Get IT help",
    				"description":"Get assistance for general IT problems and questions [example]",
    				"helpText":"Get assistance for general IT problems and questions [example]",
  • Accessing the Customer request type field
    • Name of the Customer request type: {{ issue.fields['Customer Request Type'].requestType.name }}

    • Description of the Customer request type: {{ issue.fields['Customer Request Type'].requestType.description }}


  • Field name: Organizations

  • Description: The Organizations is a collection of objects. Each object represents an Organization.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Organizations field
    				"id":String, //Id of the organization
    				"name":String, //Name of the organization
    					"self":String, //URL of the link to the Organization
  • Accessing the Organizations field
    • Name of the first Organization the issue belongs to: {{ issue.fields.Organizations | first | field("name") }}

Request participants

  • Field name: Request participants

  • Description: The Request Participants is an array of objects. Each object represents a participant.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Request Participants field
    				"self": String, //URL of the participant"
    				accountId": String, //AccountId of the participant
    				"emailAddress": String, //Email address of the participant
    				"avatarUrls": //URLs of participant avatar
    					"48x48": String,
    					"24x24": String,
    					"16x16": String,
    					"32x32": String
    				"displayName": String, //Display name of the participant
    				"active": Boolean, //True if participant is active
    				"timeZone": String, //Timezone of the participant
    				"accountType": String //Account type 
    				//Second participant details and so on..
    				"self": "https://validationenvironment.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5ca5b1469a000c1180956957",
    				"accountId": "accountId:5ca5b1469a000c1180956957",
    				"accountType": "atlassian"
    				//Second participant details and so on..
  • Accessing the Request Participants field
    • Name of the first participant: {{ issue.fields['Request participants'] | first | field("accountId") }}


  • Field name: Satisfaction

  • Description: The Satisfaction field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the request feedback in Service Desk requests.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Satisfaction field
    		"customfield_xxxxx": String,
  • Accessing the Satisfaction fieldAccessing this field is not of much use.

Satisfaction date

  • Field name: Satisfaction date

  • Description: The Satisfaction date field is a string representation of a datetime.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Satisfaction date field
    		"customfield_xxxxx": String, //Satisfaction date
    		"customfield_10026":"2016-10-24T13:23:11.222+0200", //Satisfaction date
  • Accessing the Satisfaction date field
    • Satisfaction date of the issue: {{ issue.fields['Satisfaction date'] }}

You can use the date filter to manipulate and/or format the value

Time to first response

  • Field name: Time to first response

  • Description: The 'Time to first response' field is an object with the following field:

    • completedCycles, containing an array of objects. Each object represents a completed cycle.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Time to first response field
    			"id": String, //ID of the SLA
    			"name": String, //Name of the SLA
    				"self": String //URL of the SLA
    						"iso8601": String, //Time stamp in ISO 8601
    						"jira": String, //Jira time
    						"friendly": String, //Start time in a friendly format
    						"epochMillis": Number //Stop time in milli seconds
    						"iso8601": String, //Time stamp in ISO 8601
    						"jira": String, //Jira time
    						"friendly": String, //Stop time in a friendly format
    						"epochMillis": Number //Stop time in milli seconds
    					"breached": Boolean, //False when not breached
    						"millis": Number, //Goal duration in milli seconds
    						"friendly": String //Goal duration in friendly format
    						"millis": Number, //Elapsed time in milli seconds
    						"friendly": String //Elapsed time in friendly format
    						"millis": Number, //Remaining time in milli seconds
    						"friendly": String //Remaining time in friendly format
    			"name":"Time to first response",
    						"friendly":"Today 7:15 AM",
    						"friendly":"Today 7:16 AM",
  • Accessing the Time to first response field

    • Remaining time of the last completed cycle of the 'Time to first response' SLA:

      {{ issue.fields['Time to first response'].completedCycles | last | field('remainingTime.friendly') }}

Time to resolution

  • Field name: Time to resolution

  • Description: The Time to resolution field is an object with the following field:

    • completedCycles, containing an array of objects. Each object represents a completed cycle.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Time to resolution field
    			"id": String, //ID of the SLA
    			"name": String, //Name of the SLA
    				"self": String //URL of the SLA
    						"iso8601": String, //Time stamp in ISO 8601
    						"jira": String, //Jira time
    						"friendly": String, //Start time in a friendly format
    						"epochMillis": Number //Stop time in milli seconds
    						"iso8601": String, //Time stamp in ISO 8601
    						"jira": String, //Jira time
    						"friendly": String, //Stop time in a friendly format
    						"epochMillis": Number //Stop time in milli seconds
    					"breached": Boolean, //False when not breached
    						"millis": Number, //Goal duration in milli seconds
    						"friendly": String //Goal duration in friendly format
    						"millis": Number, //Elapsed time in milli seconds
    						"friendly": String //Elapsed time in friendly format
    						"millis": Number, //Remaining time in milli seconds
    						"friendly": String //Remaining time in friendly format
    			"name":"Time to resolution",
    						"friendly":"Today 7:15 AM",
    						"friendly":"Today 7:16 AM",
  • Accessing the Time to resolution field

    • Goal duration of the last completed cycle of the 'Time to resolution' SLA:

      {{ issue.fields['Time to resolution'].completedCycles | last | field("goalDuration.friendly") }}
    • Start time of the first completed cycle of the 'Time to resolution' SLA:

      {{ issue.fields['Time to resolution'].completedCycles | first | field("startTime.friendly") }}

Portfolio for JIRA fields


  • Field name: Team

  • Description: The Portfolio Team field is a string representing the ID of the Portfolio team.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Portfolio Team field
    		"customfield_xxxxx":String, //ID of the Portfolio team
  • Accessing the Portfolio Team field
    • Portfolio Team field: {{ issue.fields.Team }}

Tempo fields


  • Field name: Iteration

  • Description: The Iteration field is a Tempo planner field

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Iteration field
    		"customfield_xxxxx": String,
    		"customfield_10004": "3",
  • Accessing the Iteration field
    • Iteration: {{ issue.fields.Iteration}}


  • Field name: Team

  • Description: The Team field is a string representation of a number describing the ID of the tempo team.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Team field
    		"customfield_xxxxx": String, //ID of the team
  • Accessing the Team field
    • Tempo team ID: {{ issue.fields.Team }}

Tempo Account

  • Field name: Account

  • Description: The Tempo Account field is an object describing the Tempo account of the issue.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the Account field
    			"self":String, //URL of the account
    			"id": String, //ID of the account
    			"key": String, //Key of the account
    			"name": String, //Name of the account

  • Accessing the Account field
    • Name of the tempo account: {{ issue.fields.Account.name }}

    • ID of the tempo account: {{ issue.fields.Account.id }}


[CHART] Date of First Response

  • Field name: [CHART] Date of First Response

  • Description: The [Chart] Date of First Response field is a string representation of a date.

  • Structure:

     Click here to see the structure of the [Chart] Date of First Response field
    		"customfield_xxxxx": String, //Date
    		"customfield_10000": "2016-08-05",

  • Accessing the [Chart] Date of First Response field
    • [Chart] Date of First Response: {{ issue.fields['[CHART] Date of First Response'] }}

You can use the date filter to manipulate and/or format the value