Enable cloning for any custom or system fields in the User Interface

You can configure any system or custom field to display as a checkbox in the Clone window. You can then select the corresponding checkbox for a field you want to clone or clear a checkbox to remove a field from the cloning process.

Some of the example fields that are available as a checkbox are Summary, Security Level, Components/s, Due Date, Fix Version/s, Assignee, Priority, custom fields, and so on.


  1. Sign in to your Jira instance as Jira administrator.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select JIRA Administration > Manage apps.
    The Manage apps page is displayed.

  3. In the left sidebar of the Manage apps page, select Clone Plus for Jira.
    The Clone Plus for Jira Configuration page is displayed.

  4. Select Clone plus properties > Edit tab to edit a copy of the currently active configuration.

  5. To enable the custom clone operation, for example Clone+1 add the following condition:

    1.condition.*.*.*.* = true
  6. Add the following sample code to the currently active configuration:

    # Set clone options available for fields 1.option.copysummary = false 1.option.copysecurity = true 1.option.copycomponents = false 1.option.copyduedate = true 1.option.copyfixVersions = true 1.option.copyassignee = false 1.option.copypriority = true
  7. Click Make Active.

  8. Go to a Jira issue, and click Clone+1.
    On the Clone window, you can see the added custom or system fields as a checkbox. You can select the checkbox for whichever fields you want to clone.



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