Customize automatic clone linking
When you clone an issue, a Cloners link type is created by default, and the cloned issue is linked to the original issue. This capability can be customized in a number of ways using Example
Ensure you use the link type name and not either the inward or outward link description when specifying the link type in your customization. Go to Admin > Issue Linking to see the link types that are available.
Steps to change link type and direction
Sign in to your Jira instance as Jira administrator.
In the top navigation bar, select JIRA Administration > Manage apps.
The Manage apps page is displayed.In the left sidebar of the Manage apps page, select Clone Plus for Jira.
The Clone Plus for Jira Configuration page is displayed.Select Clone plus properties > Edit tab to edit a copy of the currently active configuration.
You can also create a file in the directory configured as your JIRA home directory or copy and modify the example file.Add the following sample code for the 1 and customized operations.
1.linkType = Blocks # linkDirection default is OUTWARD 1.linkDirection = INWARD = Blocks = INWARD
Click Make Active.
Go to a Jira issue, and click Clone+ 1 or Clone++ 1.
Once the Jira administrator has done these changes and the users clone any issue using the Clone+ 1 or Clone++ 1 clone operation, the link type and direction will be changed as defined.
If you want to prevent links from being created when you clone an issue, you can add the below sample code in the file
1.linkType = =
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