Release Notes - Cloud 1.0.4-AC
What's new in this release
Clone Plus for Jira, cloud release version 1.2.0, is available on Marketplace with version number 1.0.4-AC.
Quick access to app configuration
Looking for a quicker way to navigate to the app configuration? Administrators can now do so using the newly introduced option ClonePlus for Jira in the Apps menu.
Summary of resolved issues
Here is a brief summary of the fixes from the Resolved issues section:
You can now copy remote web links or Confluence links associated with an issue to the cloned issue using the clone option Copy links.
The Clone window now lists the projects as configured in the respective clone operation without a mis-match.
Issue cloning from a Classic software project to Nextgen no longer fails when you use Copy subtasks and Copy parent issue's reporter clone options.
Link types was cloned to and was cloned from now function as expected without an error after cloning an issue.
Copying the Remaining Estimate field value of the issue being cloned to the Original Estimate field of the cloned issue no longer results in unexpected behaviour. Cloning an issue with this setting now functions as expected.
When you try to use Clone Plus in a project for which no clone operation is configured, you see an error message indicating you cannot proceed further as Clone Plus for Jira is not configured for the project.
Resolved issues
Log a request with our support team.
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