Release notes June 2020 - October 2023
A new improved priority matrix is here!
release date: 26th October 2023
Foxly got a new priority matrix view! On top of the new modern UI of the priority matrix we've added the following features you asked for:
define names for Priority quadrants
switch on labels (issue key) in the matrix view
reorder values in priority matrix axes
color issues in the matrix either by Parent, Assignee, Status category, or Issue type
quickly access issue details by clicking on the bubble in the chart
But that's not all - we've also added a science and technology quiz that you can take while waiting for the poker game results. Bye, boring estimation sessions 👋
Intuitive column resizing and more usability improvements!
release date: 18th September 2023
Foxly now stores your last column size setup in user preferences - simply say you're always going to find your Foxly priorities table the way you left it! No more column resizing and setting up when you open the app.
But we didn't stop there! Here is a list of other usability improvements in this release:
Removed confirmation step when submitting poker votes to make voting faster
Column sorting is not triggered by clicking on the header name as well as the sorting arrow
Simplified opening games and reports from the poker list view
Improved how Foxly handles division by 0
and fixed a few bugs 🐛
Dark mode for Foxly is here!
release date: 3rd August 2023
You can now enjoy Foxly in a dark mode, making the experience of switching between Jira and Foxly seamless. Foxly now works with the Jira theme and will switch to a dark or light theme depending on what you've set in your Jira.
Connect Story Points and other number fields to Foxly!
release date: 15th May 2023
Goodbye complex automation rules 👋
You can now connect Story points and other numeric fields to Foxly metrics to use them to calculate Priority Score!
For now, you can only connect numeric Foxly metrics to number fields in Jira but more improvements are to come!
To create a Foxly metric <> Jira field connection go to Customize page in Foxly, open the details of your numeric metric, and select the custom field from the dropdown. After you save the changes metric will show the selected field values.
New navigation and issue view for Foxly!
release date: 31st March 2023
Navigating around in Foxly just got easier. We unified Foxly's header across the app and introduced breadcrumbs and 🔙 Back button so you always know where you are in the app and how to get back.
You can also find a new improved view of issues. Now you can see all metrics and priority scores directly from the issue view without the need to access the glance panel which will save you a few clicks!
Latest Foxly updates: Performance, Security, and Bug fixes
release date: 2nd March 2023
In this release, we've focused on improving performance and addressing some pesky bugs as well as updating libraries to ensure the app is in line with the latest security standards.
We've improved the performance of loading and creating priority planning poker games and the main Priority table. This means you can spend less time waiting around for things to load and more time focusing on what really matters - prioritizing your backlog!
We also take security seriously and have implemented a number of improvements and updated libraries we use to ensure the app is safe and secure at all times.
👀 As always, if you have any feedback or suggestions for how we can continue to improve Foxly, please don't hesitate to reach out to Appfire support.
Happy prioritizing!✌️
Asynchronous planning poker is here!
release date: 5th January 2023
New year - new Foxly features! With Async planning poker you can let your team vote in peace and quiet and reduce the time spend on planning meetings.
It's quite simple:
Create an Async poker game and share the link with your team
Let your team vote in their own time and track the progress on a dashboard
When ready close the voting and then review and accept the results.
Priority planning poker game reports
release date: 20th October 2022
Poker game reports are a great way to see the history and activity of the finished poker game.
Reports give you a high-level overview of the game's progress, issues that were selected for prioritization, and results for each issue, but you can also deep dive into individual votes.
You can view the reports to see the results after your finish your Priority planning poker game.
To access reports go to Foxly > "Priority poker" > "See reports" in the Finished games section.
Help messages in Project filter
release date: 3rd October 2022
You can find a new help message in the project filter in Foxly. When filtering projects in the Foxly priorities table you can only filter issues from projects that use the same prioritization template. Now you can find there a help message explaining this behavior.
Foxly also has a new refreshed app icon and you can leave us a review when you click on it 🫶
PS. Poker game reports are coming soon! 👀
What's next
Poker game analytics
Offline planning poker
Find your active and past planning poker games
release date: 29th August 2022
With the latest release, you can find your active and past planning poker games in this simple list.
This way you'll be able to join the poker game that's currently running even if you don't have a link.
You can find a Poker Game list in Foxly app under the "Priority Poker" button.
What's next
Poker game analytics
Offline planning poker
Export Priorities in CSV, Starred filters, and more!
release date: 18th July 2022
Now you can export Foxly Priorities table to CSV if you ever need to share your priorities outside Jira.
You can also find a new Starred filters section in the Saved filters in Foxly so you can find the most important filters always on the top. You can set up your Starred filters in your main Jira navigation menu under "Filters" tab.
We've also improved the usability of the app, especially in the Customize panel where we added placeholder texts to the fields, scoring formula field but also to the main filters.
The loading performance of the app also improved, we’re still working on major performance improvements in the upcoming releases.
👀 What's next?
Load performance improvements
Offline planning poker
Try out new Foxly filters for the table and priority matrix!
release date: 15th June 2022
Foxly app now has 3 filter views - Basic, Advanced, and Saved filters.
Basic filters allow you to quickly select filters from preselected options like Projects, Assignee, Fixed versions, and more as you were used to.
Advanced filters allow you to use JQL search so you can filter by anything really! Plus you also get the hints while typing your search to make it much easier.
Saved filters allow you to select any of your Saved filters in Jira - great when you need to quickly switch between the views.
On top of that, Foxly now also remembers your last-used setup of the Priority matrix so you don't need to select metrics for axes every time you enter the screen. A great time saver!
We also fixed a few bugs and introduced better app logging and monitoring to improve our support.
👀 What's next?
Load performance improvements
Show favorite saved filters on the top
Export priority table
Offline planning poker
Reorder Foxly metrics 🔀
release date: 10th February 2022
If you ever wondered how to show metrics in Foxly table or issue pannel in a certain order you might like our latest feature release!
Now you can reorder metrics in Foxly Customize settings by simply dragging and dropping them. After you save your changes you'll be able to see metrics in the order you defined in the Foxly table and in the Foxly issue panel.
New year, new features 🥳 - Foxly supports new custom fields!
release date: 3rd January 2022
With the latest Foxly release, you'll be able to bring more fields into the Priorities table as additional columns.
Here is a list of fields that you can now use in Foxly that we added:
Radio buttons
Single select list
Cascading select list
Parent link
We also changed the formatting of date fields to a more readable format (eg. 3/Jan/22) and we fixed the format of the following fields 👇
Epic link
Original estimate
Remaining estimate
Time spent
Work ratio
👀Comming soon: Ability to reorder metrics
Happy new year 2022 ✨
Better filtering with saved filters!
release date: 22nd November 2021
The new "Saved filters" option is now available in Foxly. This new filter option allows you to use any filter that you saved in your Jira and use it to filter the priorities list or priority matrix.
Give it a try! Go to Foxly Priorities tab in your project menu and click on “Switch to advanced filters” where you can find the "Saved filters" button.
Small improvements to Project admin permissions
release date: 30th September 2021
With the latest version of Foxly, Project administrators will be able to change projects prioritization template even if they don't have Administer Foxly permission.
To edit, create or delete prioritization templates you still need to have Administer Foxly permission assigned, however, to choose a predefined prioritization template it's enough to be a project admin in that project.
👉 You can read more about permissions here
Priority planning poker is now available in Foxly!
release date: 28th July 2021
Foxly is all about inclusive prioritization; and it just got better at it!
We're excited to introduce a new feature - the Priority planning poker.
Priority Planning Poker is a technique that allows everyone on the team to equally contribute to the prioritization process. The fundamentals are simple:
Create a poker room with selected issues and invite team members
Allow them to vote on metrics in real-time
Present the results of the voting, together with each member’s votes
Discuss when necessary and retake voting if outliers are prominent
Read more about Priority planning poker in our documentation 👉 Priority planning poker
Open issue modal and edit issues from Foxly
Now you can open an issue detail from Foxly by simply clicking on the issue summary in the Priorities table. You can then read more information about an issue and edit it the same way you're used to from anywhere else in Jira 🎉
A quick note, for now, if you edit an issue then you need to refresh the Foxly priorities table to see the changes (there is a refresh button in the top right corner above the table), we'll work on bringing real-time updates after the Priority planning poker release.
New status category filter and other improvements ✨
release date: 7th May 2021
A new batch of small improvements for Foxly is here.
1. Ability to remove assigned value to the metric
Now you can find an "x" button for label and text metric that will allow you to clean the selection. To reset your rating metric simply click again on the star of the selected value.
2. Filter issues by status category
You can filter issues in the priority table or quadrants by status category (Open, In progress, Done).
3. Copy assigned metric values and scores when cloning the template
When you are now saving changes to the template using the "Saving as a new template" option in the "Customise" screen then all values of metrics together with scores will be copied across to the newly created template.
Manage who can access and edit Foxly priorities! 🔑
release date: 22 April 2021
With the new permissions feature, you can now restrict access to Foxly or certain features.
There are 3 permission roles available:
Administer Foxly (global permission)
View Foxly (project permission)
Edit Foxly (project permission)
To read more about permissions, how to set them up have a look at our wiki.
Happy prioritizing!✌️
What's coming next?
Priority planning poker
Introducing Cross-project Prioritization in Foxly! 🦊
release date: 18 February 2021
A New Project filter allows you to select additional projects that use the same prioritization template.
So now you can prioritize issues from many projects in one table or analyze them in the Priority matrix. 🎉
You can also bring projects as a column into the table together with other fields.
Read more about cross-project prioritization in our documentation.
Happy prioritizing!✌️
What's coming next?
Priority planning poker
NEW: Add columns to the Priority table 📋
release date: 6 January 2021
#1 Showing issue fields in Priority table
Now you can select additional issue fields to show in the Priorities table like Fix version, Sprint, Epics etc.
This helps to keep the information you need for your decision making in one single view.
#2 Setting to show/hide the Priorities tab in the project
You can also hide the Prioritization tab in certain projects where you don't want to use Foxly. This option is available in "Project settings" under the "Foxly Prioritization" tab.
What's coming next?
Cross-project prioritization table
Priority planning poker
If you have a suggestion that could make Foxly even more useful let us know here
Check out our new Priority Matrix! 💅
release date: 23 November 2020
Priority Matrix is a great tool that helps you visually analyze your priorities and identify quick wins.
We wanted to make sure that analyzing your priorities is as simple as it could be. Here are some of the UI improvements we delivered:
Highlighting 4 priority quadrants on the chart
Showing metric labels on the axes
Showing number when many priorities overlap in the chart
And because it can easily happen that you have a larger backlog to analyze, we added a list view of priority quadrants.
What's coming next?
Cross-project prioritization table
Showing additional issue fields in the Priorities table
We killed a few bugs!
release date: 3 November 2020
In this release we focused on bug fixing and here is what we fixed:
Show the whole text in the dropdown when selecting a metric, even when it's really long
Dropdown now closes just after you select the metric option to save you a few clicks
And fixed a few spelling errors
What's coming next?
Improvements to the Priority matrix/quadrants
Priority poker
We launched JQL filtering 🙌
release date: 30 September 2020
Advanced search and sorting preferences are here!
Loads of you asked for various extra filters to further customize the Priority table. So here we go 🥳!
When you feel that basic filter options aren't enough you can switch to Advanced filters. Here you can insert your JQL query and filter by anything, literary. Read more about JQL filtering on our wiki.
As an addition, Foxly now remembers the last sorting you used so you don't need to set it every time you come to the app.
Happy prioritizing! ✌️
JQL by Priority Score and improved filters
release date: 16 September 2020
Integrate Foxly metrics with your Jira workflows! 🔄
Now you can select metrics you want to store as a custom field in Jira ➡️ Both Label and Value of the metric are stored as a custom field.
This unlocks Advanced search (JQL) of this field, it becomes available in Automation Jira and other places you would expect Jira custom field to be. Read more about the feature here.
In progress:
JQL filters for a Priority table
Store last used sort in user preferences
Freshly baked improvements to Foxly 🥐
release date: 9 September 2020
Here are Foxly improvements introduced in this release:
Supporting up to 4 decimal numbers across the app,
Storing last used filters (so you don't need to filter every time you access the app)
In progress:
Metrics to be available as a custom field for JQL and Automation for Jira
JQL filters for a Priority tableYou asked - we delivered.
Security fixes 🔐
version: 1.0.5 (MP: 1.1.6-AC)
Foxly just got smarter!
release date: 30 July 2020
The priority score is now stored in the "Priority Score" custom field and you can JQL by it.
We improved sorting in the priority table. Now when you're filling the values in the table and scoring is applied we won't reshuffle the rows. And we also added icons to make sorting more accessible.
And also two new filters were added: Components and Assignee.
PS. You can also JQL by properties "[priority_score].value"
What's in making?
Deleting templates
JQL filtering
Improvements to the Assignee filters
If you have a suggestion that could make Foxly even more useful let us know here
The Initial release 🚀
release date: 17 June 2020
We’re happy to introduce the first version of Foxly - Backlog Prioritization app for Jira Cloud. The initial MVP includes the following features:
Project priorities table with filters,
Priority Matrix,
The predefined set of prioritization templates - ICE, RICE, WSJF, Value vs Effort,
Option to create custom templates and edit existing templates,
Customization of the score formula,
Sharing the templates across multiple projects,
View and edit score from the issue detail.