Validation (parent change)

Moving a box to a different place in a hierarchy changes its parent. The App verifies if the new parent box's current scope settings are compatible with the sub-box and checks the box type parent settings. You must have sufficient permissions in both boxes (parent and child) to move a box.

Validation rules

Your ability to move a box depends on:

  • security roles

  • Inbox type configuration, you decide the possible parents of each box type. Parent box types determine how to build the box hierarchy (nest boxes) and prevent users from making mistakes and mixing methodologies. 

  • Each box type has Scope type settings (None, Own scope, Sub-scope). 

  • Sequentiality (box type settings) 

  • box period mode

  • box status (under a "closed" box, you can place only other "closed" boxes) 

Security and access

You need sufficient security role permissions in both the box that is being moved and the box that will become the new parent in the hierarchy. 

  • You have to be an Admin of the box being moved (remember, since roles are inherited, if you are an Admin in an upper-level box, you are automatically an Admin of all sub-boxes lower in the hierarchy).

  • The App admin has full permissions in all boxes and can perform the action.

  • In the new upper-level (parent) box, you must be an Admin or a sub-box creator (once again, the Admin role can be inherited from an upper-level box. Sub-box creator role is not inherited).

For example, Paul is an Admin of "ALFA" but only an Editor of "OMEGA." He will not be able to move "ALFA" and nest it under "OMEGA" - his current set of permissions is insufficient. 


Parent Types

Remember to adjust possible parents for each box type. If the list of possible parents doesn't allow the change, you won't be able to move a box. Settings of a box type have to allow for a new parent relationship. 


For example, Drew is an App admin, so he has full Admin access to all boxes. However, when he tries to place the "ALFA" box in "OMEGA," he can't do it. "ALFA" is an "Agile Project" box type and can't be placed under "OMEGA" (the "Program" box type). 

For this move to be possible, a new parent would have to be added for the "Agile Project" box type.

Box status

Under a "Closed" parent box you can place only other "Closed" boxes. 

parent "Not started"

parent "In progress" 

parent "Closed"

parent "Not started"

parent "In progress" 

parent "Closed"

child "Not started"




child "In progress"




child "Closed"




Scope Types

In general, if moving a box would drastically impact its scope, the change will not be permitted. This means that boxes with the "Sub-scope" cannot be moved in the hierarchy, as their scope depends entirely on their parent; all work done in boxes with "Sub-scope" is intrinsically tied to the upper-level box. boxes that utilize the "Sub-scope" have to be created directly where you intend to use them. You can find more information about the scope types here

Under boxes with "None" scope, you can place:

  • other boxes with "None" scope

  • boxes with "Own" scope

Under boxes with "Own" scope you can place:

  • boxes with "None" scope

  • other boxes with "Own scope"

Take a look at the matrix below to see what kinds of changes are possible:

The scope type is set during box creation - it is based on the box type settings and can't be changed afterward. 


For example, the "Program Increment" box type is set to have a "Sub-scope." If Jessica tries to move a "Program Increment 4" from one box to another, she won't do it. 



Sequentiality settings affect same-level boxes (can potentially prevent box periods from overlapping). 

Auto bottom-up and auto scope-based boxes are never sequential - they can always overlap.

Only "manual" and "auto top-down" boxes can be sequential - if set to 'sequential', same level sequential boxes can't overlap. 

Period mode

box type period mode can affect if a new child box can be created with a specified start/date. 

Period of a box vs period mode of its sub-boxes

boxes in an "auto bottom-up" period mode are affected by the period of their sub-boxes (regardless of a sub-box period mode).

Period of a box vs period mode of its parent

  • An "auto top-down" parent →

    • limits the period of an "auto top-down" child box 

    • child boxes in "manual"/ "auto scope-based" period mode are not affected

    • "auto bottom-up" child overrides an "auto top-down" parent

Effects of the parent box period mode on a child box period are outlined in the table below.

Parent box → 

box period

Parent box → 

box period

auto bottom-up

unaffected (regardless of child period mode)

auto scope-based

unaffected (regardless of child period mode)

auto top-down

An "auto top-down" parent limits the period of an "auto top-down" child

Period of an "auto bottom-up" child unaffected ("auto bottom-up" child has priority over an auto "top-down parent")

Periods of "manual" and "auto scope-based" boxes unaffected


unaffected (regardless of child period mode)

Bulk Move

You can use the multi-select function to move multiple boxes simultaneously. Validation is performed for each box - if any of the boxes can't be moved, the entire operation fails, and no boxes are moved. In other words, the system will either successfully move all the boxes or none at all.

For example, if Jessica creates a "Portfolio" (using a "Portfolio" box type), she will be able to place both "ALFA" and "OMEGA" boxes in it. "Portfolio" has "None" scope. "ALFA" and "OMEGA" were created with the "Own" scope. She can select them both and place them in the portfolio. 

If any of the boxes can't be moved, the entire operation fails (no boxes will be moved), regardless of which validation check failed. 

For example, the "CUSTOM" box type can't be placed under "Portfolio."