Enhanced JQL



Enhanced JQL is an extension of the Jira issue search functionality.

The enhanced JQL lets you run a Jira search based on data stored exclusively in the App's database (i.e. Box properties, soft links, etc.)  

  • issue in box(BOX-ID)

  • key in box(BOX-ID)

  • fixVersion in box(BOX-ID)

  • affectedVersion in box(BOX-ID)

  • component  in box(BOX-ID)=

Filtering using the enhanced JQL

The enhanced JQL function can be run from the Jira issue search.

To use the Jira issue search, go to Issues > Search issues > start typing the command using the Advanced search option:

The final syntax can contain quotation marks, or they can be entirely replaced with a Box ID, task key, etc.

For example, to find all issues in the scope of the TS-37 Box, the Box ID (PROG-129) has to be used.

The search has to be run on all Jira issues:

The JQL query can be constructed as follows: issue in box(PROG-129)

Available functions

All currently available functions can be found in the table below:

Subject/ Context



Subject/ Context




issue in box(BOX-ID)

returns all tasks included in the scope of a particular Box


issue in boxBacklog(BOX-ID)

returns only those tasks that are included in the scope of a particular Box, but do not belong in any of its subBoxes.

Box, parent

issue in allBoxParentTasks(BOX-ID, TASK-KEY)

returns all parents of particular task. Only parents from a chosen Box will be listed.

Box, children

issue in allBoxDescendantTasks(BOX-ID, TASK-KEY,X)

returns all of the children of a particular task, up to the X-th level of hierarchy (First level will be for root task - included in query). Only children included in a chosen Box will be listed.


issue in boxLead(leader1, leader2, ...)

returns all tasks from Boxes led by chosen users. Such users can be listed by:

  • <Name> <Surname>

  • login

  • email

  • JQL function: currentUser()

Task color

issue in taskColor(RED, BLUE)

returns all of the tasks of a given color


issue in allObjectives(BOX-ID...)

returns all the issues that serve as an Objectives for a selected Box.

"Basic Objectives" are not returned.


issue in mainObjectives(BOX-ID...)

returns all the issues that serve as Main Objectives for a selected Box.

"Basic Objectives" are not returned.


issue in teamObjectives(BOX-ID, TEAM-ID)

returns all the issues that serve as Team Objectives for a selected Box and Team.

"Basic Objectives" are not returned.


issue in allDependencies(TASK-KEY)

returns all the issues linked to a chosen task, regardless the type of a dependency.


issue in hardDependencies(TASK-KEY)

returns all the issues linked to a chosen one with a hard dependency.


issue in softDependencies(TASK-KEY)

returns all the issues linked to a chosen one with soft links.


issue in


returns all the issues that are linked with a chosen issue. The direction of the link is from that issue.


issue in


returns all the issues that are linked with a chosen issue. The direction of the link is toward that issue.

Critical Path

key in boxTasksOnCriticalPath(BOX-ID)

returns all tasks on the critical path for a Box


issue in boxRisks(BOX-ID...)

returns all the issues that serve as Risks for a selected Box.

Enhanced JQL vs Box scope

It is NOT possible to base the scope of a Box directly on BigPicture's JQL functions or on a Jira Filter that uses them. Such an attempt would create an infinite loop. In order to prevent that, an error will be thrown.


This functionality is only available in the Server version of the App. The following page doesn't apply to cloud users.
More information on the differences between cloud and server versions of the App can be found here.