How to create subtasks on initial issue create

How to create subtasks on initial issue create

You can use the create subtask transition post function to create subtasks when the issues are first created. 


  1. In the Administration > Issues > Workflows page, select a workflow and click Edit.

  2. Go to the Open step.

  3. Click the Create Issue incoming transition.

  4. In the Transition: Create Issue page, go to Post Functions.

  5. In the Post Functions tab, Click Add post function.

  6. In the Add Post Function To Transition table, select the Create Sub-task (Create on Transition) option.

  7. Click Add.
    The Create on Transition for Jira - Create Sub-task(s) page is displayed.

  8. In the Conditions & Configuration page, select the Create if original issue is a sub-task option to prevent looping.

  9. Set the other parameters as required.

  10. Click Add.
    The Create Sub-task post function is added to the workflow.

  11. Move the Create Sub-task post function below the Creates the issue originally. post function.
    When you create a parent issue using this workflow a subtask will be created.

  • Make sure to create a draft of a workflow before you edit it.

  • Your configuration must have looping prevention included. Follow the steps and make sure you test carefully on a test instance or project.

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