Release notes 1.0.5-AC

Release date: Dec 2nd, 2020

Our team is excited to announce the release of Create on Transition for Jira cloud, version 1.0.5-AC.

Create on Transition for Jira, cloud release version 1.3.0, is available on Marketplace with version number 1.0.5-AC.

Enhanced log messaging | Support for new substitution variables | Resolved issues

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Enhanced log messaging

Create on Transition for Jira cloud, version 1.3.0, provides more detailed and meaningful log messages for administrators. In addition to the success and failure information, transition logs generated after processing workflow post functions, conditional validator, or custom condition, now display all warnings, partial failures, and/or error messages in detail. These logs show precisely what went wrong and what has been processed during issue transition.

This information is displayed in both the BOB SWIFT - CREATE ON TRANSITION > Transition logs configuration page for administrators and the Create on Transition for Jira > Transition activity log section of the issue view for users.

Transition logs for administrators:

Transition log history for users in the issue view:

Support for new substitution variables

  • A new substitution variable jql_result_n that returns the issue key of the nth issue, is now supported.

  • Empty custom field values are now supported when adding them to your workflow post functions. This sets the respective custom field value(s) to blank in the issue being created or updated.

For more information, refer to Substitution variables.

Resolved issues

key summary type created assignee reporter priority status


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