How to add Jira status in Salesforce Record


This article provides the steps for showing the status of the linked Jira tickets in the Salesforce Record.


To achieve this, you can use either one of these two methods:

Adding more fields into the "Jira Issues" section

The connector comes with the "Jira Issues" lightning component to show the list of Jira tickets associated with a Salesforce Record. We can add the "Status" field so the linked ticket will show the current Jira tickets status. The steps are:

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages.

  2. Click on "Configure" on "Jira Cloud for Salesforce"(Or, "Jira Server for Salesforce" if you are running on the Server version)

  3. In the Available Fields section, click Add Jira Fields.

  4. Select Status.

    Check the Jira Issues section of a linked Salesforce Record to check the changes. Example:

    For more details about configuring the package: Configuring settings in the Salesforce Package

Linking a Salesforce Field to the Jira Status field

By mapping the two fields, when pushing the update of a Jira ticket to the Salesforce Record, the Salesforce Field will be updated with the current Jira status. The steps are below:

  1. Create a text Salesforce Field called "Jira Status"

  2. Map it into the necessary Salesforce Object

  3. In Jira, navigate to Apps/Manage Apps > Salesforce > Bindings.

  4. Click Mappings on the necessary object.

  5. Click Mappings again on the necessary issue type.

  6. Do the mapping between Jira "Status" field and Salesforce "Jira Status" field.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click on the"←" arrow to disable "Incoming Sync" as it is not supported.

  9. Save the settings.

With this, when pushing the update to the associated Salesforce Record, the "Jira Status" field will be updated with the status.



As the field mapping is a 1-to-1 relationship, if the Salesforce Record is linked to multiple Jira tickets, it will be updated with the last Jira ticket that synced to it.