Page analysis diagnostic tool

Page analysis diagnostic tool


The publishing Page Analysis diagnosis tool is available on a source space page and a published target space page.

  • choose the publishing state byline

  • open the three-dot menu in the publishing state dialog box

  • choose Page Analysis


The Page Analysis tool displays the page's publishing information, including an overview of the publishing configuration and the last publishing action.

cpc_pageanalysistool_pagemanifest_overview_publishingconfiguration_with_publishingas add-onuser.png

Options are available to display

  • Diagnostics for the current publishing state of the page

  • the publishing Manifest (content properties)

The publishing manifest information screen includes an option to export the manifest as a text file. This information can be added to support tickets raised with our support team.

Open the page analysis tool

On a page

  • choose the publishing state byline to open the state dialog box

  • choose the three-dot menu

  • select Page Analysis

This opens the Page Analysis dialog box, which displays an overview of the current page publishing configuration and publishing state.

The Page Analysis tool is available on a page in the source space and a published page in the target space.

Overview information

On opening the Page Analysis dialog box, the default publishing Overview screen is displayed. This screen provides summary information about the publishing configuration and the page manifest for the last published action for the page.

When publishing occurs, for example, when using an applied Comala workflow, the Publish as add-on user value is YES. This means the app add-on user permissions in the target space were used to publish the page. The Confluence user who initiated the publishing action is recorded as the Publisher in the page manifest.

Diagnostics information

Diagnostics information for the current page publishing state is displayed in the Page Analysis tool dialog box.

The Diagnostics option is appended with either a tick icon to confirm no current publishing issues or an X icon if diagnostics include a publishing issue.

  • choose the Diagnostics option

Diagnostics issues are displayed for the current publishing status and last publishing action.



Manifest information

Publishing Manifest information can be displayed in the Page Analysis tool dialog box.

  • choose the Manifest option

The publishing Manifest is displayed for the current publishing state and last publishing action.

The manifest includes the content properties

  • Source Manifest - source space page including page contentID

  • Target Manifest - target space page including page contentID

  • Space configuration - including source space key and spaceID

Export manifest data

The publishing Manifest can be exported as a text file.

On a page

  • choose the publishing state byline to open the publishing popup

  • open the ellipsis menu

  • select the Page Analysis dialog box

  • choose the Manifest option

  • choose Export to export as a .txt file

The default name for the exported text file includes the current page contentID and is in the following format for each page:

  • in the source space

    • cpc-export-<sourcespacefilecontentID>.txt

where <sourcespacecontentID> is the current source space page contentID.

  • in the target space

    • cpc-export-<targetspacefilecontentID>.txt

where <targetspacecontentID> is the current target space page contentID.