Get started - Publishing settings and permissions

Publishing dashboard

After installing Comala Publishing, the space administrator can configure each space in the Confluence Cloud site to publish pages to another space in the space publishing dashboard.

When a target space is selected and saved in the publishing dashboard, and publishing is enabled, the app can publish a page from the current space to a target (public) space.


By default, you can use single-page and space publishing to publish and sync pages from this space to the target space.

The space administrator can configure the publishing settings for the space to:

  • prevent the copying of page content properties if there is a 3rd party app in the target space

  • prevent editors from publishing on a page-by-page basis by making single-page publishing inactive

  • prevent any publishing from the space, for example, during a period of audit

In Space publishing, a space administrator can use the Publish space button to publish and sync all the space pages in the space to the target space.

If all the pages have been previously by a space administrator, for example, if you used the setup tool and published the space, details of the last space publish action are displayed.


The See details link displays a report for the last publishing of all the pages in the space.

Publishing permissions

Publishing configuration

To set up publishing, you must be a space administrator in the source and target space.

Publishing pages

To publish all the pages in a space, you need permissions in the source space and the target space

  • a space administrator requires view and edit permission for all the pages

  • a user publishing an individual page needs view and edit permission

You also need at least the following space permissions in the target space to publish a page:

  • View All

  • Add and Delete Pages

  • Add and Delete Attachments

Page-level restrictions on a page in the target space prevent a space administrator from publishing and syncing the source space page. As a space administrator, if you publish all the pages, a restricted page is not included in the list of 'Pages not published' in the whole space publishing report.

Permissions for the Comala Publishing app user

The Comala Publishing app user is added to all spaces by default, with the following permissions:

Do not change the permissions for the app user!

Next: Publishing pages

After a space is configured for publishing, you can publish and sync pages using single-page publishing as pages are updated and space publishing to publish and sync all the pages in a space.