Getting started with Comala Publishing for Confluence Cloud

Getting started

Comala Publishing for Confluence Cloud publishes and syncs pages between spaces in the same Confluence site.

Source space synced page and sync status report for pages

A space administrator must enable publishing from a source space to a target space and have Confluence permissions for both spaces.

After the space is set up for publishing, a space administrator can publish all pages at once and configure the publishing settings to grant or deny permission for page editors to publish on a page-by-page basis.

Both editors and space administrators can track the page sync status using the publishing report, which is accessed from the source space.

Enable publishing in a space

The space administrator can configure and enable publishing in a space using the setup tool in the publishing dashboard.

Space publishing dashboard - publishing not set up

Publishing settings and permissions

After enabling the space for publishing by adding a target space, the space administrator can use the dashboard to manage what is copied for a page and how pages can be published.

The space adminsitrator also needs to ensure that publishing editors and themselves have Confluence permissions in both the source space and the target space.

Publishing pages

There are two ways to publish pages using the app on its own:

Single-page publishing

Page editors can publish single pages using the publishing byline to open the publishing popup

Space publishing

Space adminstrators can publish all the pages in a space in a single publishing action using the Publish space option in the space settings publishing dashboard.

Comala Publishing also works with our Comala Document Management family of apps using an added Comala workflow. Adding automated workflows to your pages and spaces helps you better manage the document lifecycle, allowing audiences to see published pages upon approval automatically.

After publishing is configured for a space, you can track what pages and spaces are in sync using the publishing report.

The space administrator can also publish pages directly from the report.

Get started