Read confirmation popup


The read confirmation popup allows you to keep track of the progress of a read confirmation.

The read confirmation popup is accessed using the read confirmation iconin the page header.

Or if at least one reader has confirmed, the dialog box can be opened using the read confirmation page footer breadcrumb.

The contents of the read confirmation popup will change to reflect the current state of a read confirmation: 

  • overall read confirmation status as PENDING, CONFIRMED, or OVERDUE

  • each individual read confirmation, including the content version and time for the read confirmation

  • current period for duedate for read confirmation completion

The read confirmation popup allows you to

  •  add and remove readers

  • add or edit a due date for the read confirmation completion

  • resend and reset reader confirmations for any completed requests

Read confirmation popup is used with standalone read confirmations and workflow read confirmations, including a workflow with no states.

Working with read confirmations

See the following to learn more: