slack-channel-message macro

slack-channel-message macro

Slack notifications are a Dark Feature in Comala Document Management 6.11.3.


Use the {slack-channel-message} macro to send notifications to a Slack workspace channel.

The macro works in a similar way to the {set-message} macro inside a trigger, but instead of adding a message to the page the  {slack-channel-message} sends a message to the provided webhook associated with a specific slack channel.

A Slack API app must be created with a webhook in a Slack workspace to allow external messages to be sent to a named Slack workspace channel.

To use the {slack-channel-message} macro a global administrator must add comalatech.workflows.slack.macro.enabled to the Enable Dark Features dialogue box

Where to use it


Used in a {trigger} macro to send notifications to a Slack channel.


macro body

The message to display.

  • plain text
  • accepts value references including metadata value references

The value reference values are rendered in the message body e.g. @pagetitle@ will be rendered as the current page name.


Webhook URL associated with a specific slack channel in a workspace. 

  • the webhook URL format is https://hooks.slack.com/services/<webhook ID> where the webhook ID is the webhook value generated by the Slack app for a channel in a Slack workspace


    Here is my first slack notification. Label added @label@

The URL  https://hooks.slack.com/services/<webhook_ID>  is the webhook URL created when setting up the Slack API app for the notifications in Slack. 

Other examples

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

See Also

Workflow Authoring Guide

Content Integrations