Enable slack notifications dark mode feature
Enable slack notifications dark mode feature
Notifications to a Slack channel are currently a Dark Feature that can be enabled in Comala Document Management 6.11.3.
Slack notifications are a dark mode feature in Comala Document Management 6.11.3
To allow workflows in a Confluence instance to send Slack notifications to a channel in a Slack workspace
- the Comala slack macro dark mode feature must be enabled by a global administrator
- the Slack workspace must have an app created with a webhook to allow a channel to be exposed for the posting of notifications from Comala Document Management
- a workflow trigger is created that uses the Comala slack macro with the Slack app webhook id added to send a notification to a Slack workspace channel
Enable Comala slack macro dark feature
- access dark mode feature actions by navigating to your instance dark features in global administration e.g. http://<CONFLUENCE>/admin/darkfeatures.action
- add comalatech.workflows.slack.macro.enabled to the Enable dark feature dialogue box
- choose Submit
The Comala slack macro dark feature is added as enabled Site Dark Feature.
Once enabled, to post a notification to a Slack channel from a workflow in the instance you must then
- set up a Slack workspace channel creating a Slack app and adding a webhook feature
- add a workflow trigger that includes the slack-channel-message macro
See Also
External Links
Content Integrations
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