Set up a Slack channel for notifications

Set up a Slack channel for notifications

Notifications to a Slack channel are currently a Dark Feature that can be enabled in Comala Document Management 6.11.3. 


Comala Document Management can be configured to provide notifications to a Slack channel.

The Slack app must first be created and installed at the Slack channel level using the Slack Web API Application creation feature for a Slack workspace. 

Once the app has been created and a channel exposed using a webhook a workflow trigger can be used to send notifications to the Slack channel.

Set up a Slack channel for notifications from Comala Document Management

An empty Slack app must be created for a Slack workspace and then a channel in the Slack workspace must be exposed by adding a webhook to the app.

To set up a Slack channel you must

For more details see https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks.

Slack app creation

A Slack app for a Slack Workspace can be created in a few easy steps. The user that performs these steps must have the appropriate permissions in the Slack Workspace.

You will need to sign in to your Slack account to create an application.

Go to https://api.slack.com/apps

  • choose Create New App

  • add a name for your new app

  • choose a Slack workspace to associate with the app

    This will be the workspace that will receive your Comala Document Management notifications.

  • choose Create App

  • The Basic Information screen for the app is displayed

The new is part of the Slack App directory. You need to configure some functionality for the app by adding a webhook. This exposes a chosen channel to allow posting of Comala workflow notifications.

Expose a Slack channel

For your empty Slack app you need to configure the way it works in your chosen workspace. You will be using app will be used to post messages from an external source (Comala Document Management in A Confluence instance) into Slack.

Slack allows you to configure one of the settings for a Slack app to expose channels in a workspace to allow messages to be sent to the channel. This is done by creating an Incoming Webhook for the app and specifying a channel. 

In Settings for the new Slack app

  • choose Basic Information screen

  • choose Incoming Webhooks

  • use the Off/On slider to Activate Incoming Webhooks

    You can now add a webhook URL to the app for the workspace and configure this for a channel.

  • choose Add New Webhook to Workspace

  • choose the Slack workspace channel to receive the notifications posted by the app

  • the app webhook URL is added to your workspace

The webhook URL is listed with

  • the exposed channel that will receive messages posted to this URL
  • the user who added the webhook
  • option to Copy the webhook URL

For Slack notifications to be sent to the channel by the Slack app from Comala Document Management, Copy the webhook URL and add to the slack-channel-message macro in your workflow trigger.

You can see the app added as an integration to the chosen Slack workspace channel.

For Slack notifications to be sent by Comala Document Management, the webhook URL Copy and add to the slack-channel-message macro in your workflow trigger.

The app can be added to other channels in the workspace by configuring other webhooks.

Multiple apps can be added for your workflow notifications e.g. customizing each with a different name to differentiate the type of notification.

See Also

Content Integrations

Unable to render {children}. Not found: Slack notifications.

Workflow Authoring Guide