Customize approval decision buttons

Customize approval decision buttons


This example shows how to change the captions of the Approve and Reject buttons shown during a content review.

Default captions for approval action labels

When a content review is created using the approval macro, buttons labeled Approve and Reject are added to the workflow popup.

The approval buttons are only added if their target states are defined in the parent state macro via the approved and rejected parameters.

{workflow:name=Customise Approval Buttons} {state:Review|approved=Review|rejected=Review} {approval:Default Captions} {state} {workflow}

These default button action labels can be edited in the workflow builder for each approval.

Default approval custom action labels in workflow builder
Default approval action labels in the workflow popup
Default approval button action labels

Custom captions for approval action labels

To change the button captions, use the approvelabel and rejectlabel parameters on the approval macro as shown below:

{workflow:name=Customise Approval Buttons} {state:Review|approved=Review|rejected=Review} {approval:Custom Captions|approvelabel=Great to go!|rejectlabel=No good!} {state} {workflow}

These custom button action labels can be added in the workflow builder for each approval.

Set approval custom action labels in workflow builder


Custom approval action labels in the workflow popup
Customized approval button captions