Report on tasks
These are the ways you can keep track of workflow tasks...
At a glance
The outstanding number of tasks to complete is displayed on the workflow status bar.
In detail
See task descriptions, any assignees, and due dates on the tasks popup.
A blue dot indicates tasks you're assigned to as the current user.
Mouse over a task to view options to
edit the task
add or edit assignees
delete the task
Use the checkbox next to a task name in the popup to confirm the completion of a task.
In context
View tasks in the context of other actions on the current content (page or blog post) in the document activity report accessed by the page tools menu option.
In summary
A space administrator can view a summary of all tasks in a space with the Tasks Report - Space Tools
Use the report filter to
view tasks by task assignee
Assigned to you
See lists of tasks assigned to you:
With macros
Add your reports to your pages: