Global administration
Global Configuration
Global administrators can
manage user approval signing tokens
configure the Confluence site to allow the app to be accessed from behind a company firewall
Approval Signing Code Admin
When using the Quality Management System workflow, each approval requires an e-signature. Users must use a signing token to enable the approval and authenticate the approval decision.
The details for signing tokens set up by individual users are displayed in the Document Control Signing Code Admin screen:
user name
token expiry date
date created
last token usage attempt by each user
number of failed token authentication attempts by each user
The screen can be paginated to display 50 or 100 users for Confluence sites with many user signing tokens.
You can also search and filter by a user using the User dialog box.
A global administrator can use
Set expiry date to amend the expiration date for a user token
Use the X to clear the existing expiration value. However, the token expiration date cannot be left blank.
Remove token - to remove the user token from the site
Once a user signing token is removed, a new token needs to be set up by the user using a third-party authentication app.
Global permissions configuration
Installing the app automatically adds the Comala Approvals for Confluence Cloud app system user and configures the app system user global and space permissions.
App access for a Confluence site accessed behind a company firewall
These URLs need to be added to the approved URL list for your company firewall.