Approval status

Approval status


When Comala Document Approval is applied to a page or blog post, the content state byline item is added to the page or blog post heading.

Approval status

The content state byline includes the current state name (and the current state icon) of the approval workflow added to the page. 

The initial approval state, when added to the page, is the Review state.

You can choose the state name to open the approval popup.

A user must have View and Edit permission to approve or reject the content. However, a user with view-only permission who is assigned as a reviewer can undertake the review.

A user with view-only permission can view the approval state byline item but cannot view the approval popup.

If you assign one or more users using the +Add Reviewer option in the workflow popup, only these assignees can approve or reject the content.


Once a reviewer is assigned, the approval decision buttons are disabled for a user not assigned to undertake the approval.

The workflow popup displays different options depending on the current approval state.

In the Approved state, no options to change the approval status are available for the user in the workflow popup.


If the page or blog post is edited in the Approved state, the state is automatically changed to Review.

The Rejected state has the option to approve the page.


If the page or blog post is edited in the Rejected state, the state is automatically changed to Review.

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