App Scope and Permissions

Global scope and permissions

Each app for Confluence Cloud (like Comala Document Control) has to be configured with a specific scope.

Scopes allow an app to request a particular level of access to an Atlassian product.

This configuration is done automatically when the app is installed. This adds the Comala Approvals for Confluence Cloud system user

  • as an individual user in the VIew Global Permissions screen

  • assigns the global Create Space(s) permission to the app system user

The automatic configuration also adds the Comala Approvals for Confluence Cloud system user as an individual user for each space in the space settings Permissions screen.

The app system user is assigned all individual user permissions for the space except Restriction Add/Delete; Mail Delete, Space Export.

Within an instance, a global administrator may decide to further limit the actions that an app may perform.

This is valuable as it allows administrators to safely install apps that they otherwise would not.


  • changes in scope by a global administrator may affect the global permissions for the app system user and the functioning of the app in the instance

  • changes in the individual space permissions for the app system user  (either due to the global change or a space administrator change) may affect the functioning of the app in that space

  • page restrictions added to content prior to the addition and application of the Approval app workflow to the content may cause an error

See FAQ.

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