Check-out and Check-in Feature Configuration

Check-out and Check-in Feature Configuration

This page is about Assets & Inventory Plugin for Jira DC. Using Cloud? Click here.

The Assets & Inventory Plugin for Jira is highly customizable, similar to JIRA itself. However, the check-out and check-in functionality isn't enabled by default. This guide will walk you through configuring this feature.

Configure the attributes

  1. Define an Assigned user attribute (field).

    1. If all your customers are Jira users, choose the User Picker type for this attribute. This allows them to be selected directly from Jira.

    2. If your customers are not Jira users, choose the Text type for a free-form text field where you can enter their name.

  2. Define Sign-out date and Return date attributes with DatePicker.

  3. Define In Use attribute with RadioButtonList (Yes/No).

  4. Add the four attributes to the forms you wish to track.

Use the functionality

When an item needs to be checked-out, set the fields as:

  • In Use = true

  • Assigned User = John Smith 

  • Sign-out date = 2018/7/5

  • Return date = empty

When an item needs to be checked-in, set the fields as:

  • In Use = false

  • Assigned User = empty 

  • Sign-out date = empty

  • Return date = 2018/7/5

The plugin will automatically record all these changes in the audit logs, allowing you to track the movement of your assets.