Copy options


You can copy a space as it exists at a point in time to another space. The copy options are configured in the space tools Copy Space dashboard.

The Copy space configuration copy options are retained for each copy but a new target space must set for each Copy Space action.

Copy Options

You can configure Copy Space to

  • copy selected document types (pages, blog posts or both)

  • ignore top-level pages (the home page and orphan pages)

  • delete existing pages in the target space

  • include labels or match labels on existing target space documents

The content to be copied for each document can also be configured in the Advanced Options.

Copy Option



Copy Pages


  • Checked (Default)

    • pages are included in the copy

  • Unchecked

    • if not checked, pages are ignored in the copy

Ignore Top-level Pages


  • Checked (Default)

    • the space home page and other orphan pages are not copied

  • Unchecked

    • the space home page and other orphan pages are copied

Copy Labels


  • Checked (Default)

    • include labels when copying pages or blog posts

    • the sync-label (if set) is not included in the copy

  • Unchecked

    • no labels are included when copying pages or blog posts

Copy Blog Posts


  • Checked (Default)

    • blog posts are included in the copy

  • Unchecked

    • if not checked, blog posts are ignored in the copy

Delete target space content (pages and blog posts)


  • Unchecked (Default)

    • delete existing pages and blog posts in the target space that are not in the source space

  • Checked

    • do not delete existing pages and blog posts in the target space that are not in the source space

Match Labels


  • Checked (Default)

    • if a page exists in the target space, update labels to match documents in the source space

  • Unchecked

    • if a page exists in the target space, labels are not updated to match documents in the source space

Selecting this option adds missing labels on any blog post or page that already exists in the target space content.

If you want to replace the target space home page with the source space home page you can set the Copy Options to Delete Pages added in the Target Space

Advanced Copy Options

The Advanced Options for content to be copied for each Copy Space action includes

  • copying content properties

  • copying latest version update comments

  • replacing source space references with the target space key

  • copying page restrictions

The copy date on the target space pages can be configured to the copy date or to be the modification date of the source space document.

The copy can be also be configured to copy the page or blog post version corresponding to an applied Comala workflow final state version.

Advanced Option



Set modification date as copying date


  • Unchecked (Default)

    • the copied document modification date will be taken from the item in the source space that is being copied

  • Checked

    • for copied pages and blog posts in the target space the modification or creation date will match the date the copying occurred

Copy Content Properties


  • Checked (Default)

    • copied pages and blog posts in the target space will include properties associated with other apps

  • Unchecked

    • copied pages and blog posts in the target space will not include properties associated with other apps

Page properties are attributes associated with pages usually defined by other plugins. Only properties with prefixes specified in Confluence global admin are published. Refer to the specific app configuration to determine the prefix of the properties to be published.

Copy version comments


  • Checked (Default)

    • the most recent “What did you change?” recorded comment on a user update on the source space document is published as the page update comment on the target space copy

  • Unchecked

    • no “What did you change?” recorded comments on a user update on the source space document are published on the target space copy

Replace source space references


  • Checked (Default)

    • replace all the local space references ([SPACEKEY:PageName]) with the target space key

  • Unchecked

    • do not replace space references with the target space key

Copy Scaffolding


  • Unchecked (Default)

    • pages and blog posts copied without data related to the ServiceRocket Scaffolding Forms and Templates app

  • Checked

    • copied pages and blog posts include data related to the ServiceRocket Scaffolding Forms and Templates app

    • only the latest version data will be copied

Use final state version


  • Unchecked (Default)

    • latest version of all pages and blog posts copied

  • Checked

    • copy the version of the page and blog post corresponding to the Comala Document Management workflow final state

    • pages that do not have a final state are not copied

Copy page restrictions


  • Checked (Default)

    • page restrictions on the source space document are copied to the target space

    • page restrictions in the target space are replaced

  • Unchecked

    • page restrictions on the source space document are not copied to the target space