Timeline zoom

Timeline navigation

In the Timeline mode of the Overview module, you can adjust the scale to focus on the current date, zoom in and out to fit all your Boxes in a single view. Use the mini-map to find your position on the map.

Screenshot shows the timeline view of the Overview module. Timeline navigation options are highlighted in the top right corner.

Timeline zoom 

Change the time range presented on the timeline.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • zoom in → “Shift” + “=

  • zoom out → “Shift” + “-

Today button

Adjust the timeline to the current date - current date is always indicated with a marker.

Screenshot shows the today marker on the timeline and a button in timeline navigation that takes you to the today's marker.

Scale to fit button

When no tasks are selected (highlighted in blue), the app zooms out to show all your boxes. Timeline start/end date encompasses all boxes.

When a task is selected, the timeline zoom level is adjusted so that the task fills the screen.

Keyboard shortcut:

  • scale to fit → “f

Show on timeline

This additional menu lets you adjust the visibility of:

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • show/hide week numbers → “w