This page describes how to publish a workbook from Tableau Desktop on Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server and setting up schedule data refreshes.
Publish the workbook from Tableau Desktop to Tableau Cloud
In Tableau Desktop, create the workbook that you want to publish. To import the data using the OData connector and create the workbook, refer to Import into Tableau - OData.
2. Navigate to Server > Publish Workbook.
The Share via Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud dialog opens. To publish the workbook on Tableau Cloud, click Tableau Cloud.
To connect to Tableau Cloud, enter your Username and Password.
In the Publish Workbook to Tableau Cloud dialog, provide the publishing details.
Location: Select the Tableau project where you would like to publish the workbook.
Name: Enter a name for the workbook.
Description: Provide a description for the workbook.
Data Sources: To change whether the data is embedded in the workbook, published separately, or how to authenticate with data sources, click Edit.
If you are publishing an extract and want to set up a refresh schedule, select:
Publish Type: Embedded in workbook
Authentication: If the login credentials are set for the OData Connector URL, then the Authentication drop-down option appears. Select Allow refresh access.
If the login credentials are not set for the OData Connector URL, then the Authentication drop-down option is not displayed.
Click Publish.
7. The Tableau Cloud opens in the internet browser, and the Publishing Complete dialog is displayed.
To view the published workbook, under the View tab, click on the sheet.
Schedule refresh on Tableau Cloud
If you want to schedule the extract refresh from the Jira Server, you need to Whitelist the IP of the Tableau Cloud in the Jira Server.
If the Jira Server is Cloud hosted - Update the In Ingres rules.
If the Jira Server is on-premises - Update the network rules to allow incoming traffic.
Tableau Cloud IPs are as per Authorize Access to Cloud Data Published to Tableau Cloud.
For reference, If the Tableau Cloud is hosted in the region, then you need to whitelist the IP in the Jira Server Ingres rules.
In the below scenario, the extract refresh is scheduled from the Jira Cloud.
To schedule a refresh, go to the Tableau Cloud project where the workbook is located and navigate to Extract Refreshes > New Extract Refresh.
The Create Extract Refresh dialog opens. Set up the refresh frequency for a full refresh and click Create.
You can set the frequency to hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. For more information, refer to Schedule Refreshes on Tableau Cloud.
3. The refresh is created, and the workbook will be refreshed according to the set schedule.
To view the scheduled refresh details of all the data sources, in the left navigation, click Tasks.
To view the status of all the scheduled refresh tasks, in the left navigation, click Jobs.
To view the refreshed data, navigate to the Tableau Cloud project and click on the Workbook. Under the Views tab, click on the workbook to view the data.
To run the refresh manually on demand, under Actions, select Run Now.
To change the schedule frequency, under Actions, choose Change Frequency.