Title: | SQL Query macro - 11.x | |
Owner: | Nisha Shantilal | |
Creator: | Nisha Shantilal | Feb 01, 2023 |
Last Changed by: | Nisha Shantilal | Feb 21, 2023 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/x/t4FHCg | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Incoming Links
SQL for Confluence (4)
Configure Data Source Profiles - 11.x Configure Data Sources - 11.x SQL File macro - 11.x User Guide - 11.x |
Run Self-Service Reports for Confluence (2)
How to use SQL Query in the Run macro to display data in the Confluence page How to use SQL Query in the Run macro with scripting capabilities to display data in the Confluence page |
Advanced Tables for Confluence (3)
Formatting options for date columns - 8.x Formatting options for numeric columns - 8.x Table 4 |
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