Common Table Parameters - 11.x

Common Table Parameters - 11.x

On this page

The SQL for Confluence (Pro Edition) app version 11.x has removed the support for application server-defined data sources in Confluence 8.x. (Atlassian has ended support for the data source connections in Confluence 8.0. For more information, refer to Configuring a data source connection.)

In Confluence 8.x, we recommend reconfiguring the application server-defined data source profile to the connection string profile. For more information, refer to How to convert an application server defined data source profile to a connection string profile.

SQL for Confluence (Pro Edition) app version 11.x works seamlessly with Confluence 7.x (Confluence 7.4 to Confluence 7.20) versions, including support for application server-defined data sources (JNDI data source connections).


  • Table settings:
    • Formatting: Allows you to define the styles specific to the table like ID, class, width, and so on.
    • Advanced settings: Allows you to define the download and export options, and specify the delimiter to be used for the downloaded or exported file. Show a panel to filter table data with regular expressions. See Regular expressions.
  • Column settings:
    • Formatting: Allows you to define column styles such as fonts, colors, column width, column type, and other display attributes using CSS styles. In this panel, enter the number of columns you want to add, and click Start formatting to view the style parameters for all the columns in sequential order. Click Add formatting to add column(s) to the list.
      To define column attributes, click  and select the Show column attributes option. The Show empty columns option, when selected, displays the columns for which the styling undefined.
    • Numbering & totaling: Allows you to define the numbering attributes like auto numbering the table, totaling the numeric columns, and so on. Specify if you want to make custom defined column styles to override the default Confluence styles. Overriding default Confluence styles are supported from 10.2.0 version.
    • Sorting: Allows you to define the sorting attributes like sorting the columns in ascending or descending order, displaying sort icon, and so on.
  • Row formatting:
    • Data rows: Allows you to define row styles such as fonts, colors, and other display attributes using CSS styles. In this panel, enter the number of rows you want to add, and click Start formatting to view the style parameters for all the rows in sequential order. Click Add formatting to add row(s) to the list.
    • Header rows: Allows you to define header and footer row styles.
    • Advanced settings: Allows you to define advanced settings such as row highlight color and so on. Specify if you want to make custom defined row styles to override the default Confluence styles. Overriding default Confluence styles are supported from 10.2.0 version.

Common table parameters

The parameters listed on this page are part of our common table capabilities that are available to many macros that produce or modify tables. 

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