Common SQL Parameters - 11.x

Common SQL Parameters - 11.x

On this page

The SQL for Confluence (Pro Edition) app version 11.x has removed the support for application server-defined data sources in Confluence 8.x. (Atlassian has ended support for the data source connections in Confluence 8.0. For more information, refer to Configuring a data source connection.)

In Confluence 8.x, we recommend reconfiguring the application server-defined data source profile to the connection string profile. For more information, refer to How to convert an application server defined data source profile to a connection string profile.

SQL for Confluence (Pro Edition) app version 11.x works seamlessly with Confluence 7.x (Confluence 7.4 to Confluence 7.20) versions, including support for application server-defined data sources (JNDI data source connections).


Macros that run SQL scripts and display results in the form of a table share common capabilities as described below. A JavaScript enabled browser is required to enable most of these capabilities.

In the macro editor window, all these common capabilities are logically grouped into various tabs based on the functionality for easy access and styling.

  • SQL settings:

Selecting a value in the macro overrides the default value set by an Administrator. The order of overriding the default setting is:

Macro level parameter > Profile configuration > Global configuration.

  • Display settings:

Common SQL parameters

The following parameters are available on all SQL macros. Some parameters may have values that are restricted by your administrator for security or operational reasons.

TabsMacro Editor LabelDefaultDescriptionParameter

SQL settings

SQL statementData source profile

Specify the data source name. It represents an application server defined data source (Pro Edition) or data source profile defined by your administrator. This is a required field and some of the data sources may be restricted.


SQL statement

Use the available select lists to select the tables, views, and respective columns, and add them to your SQL statement. You can:

  • Build simple queries by selecting the tables, views, and/or columns, and clicking the add icon, or
  • Enter your own SQL statement and add tables, views, and columns from the select lists wherever required in the query, or
  • Add additional SQL scripts from the SQL script tab

The tables, views, and columns in the select lists are loaded based on the Data source profile selected. There is no limit to the number of statements you can run.

  • This parameter is not available in SQL File macro.
  • The ability to add required tables and columns from the select lists to your SQL query, is added in the SQL 10.1 release.
  • At times, these select lists might take a while to load. This can be because of your network connectivity or a large number of tables in the selected data source. Note that this delay occurs only the first time you connect to a data source. Once retrieved, data is cached until one hour, which is the default cache expiry time.
  • When you add a new table or alter an existing table in any data source (using SQL macro), the changes might not be reflected in the select lists immediately, because the data before changes is cached for one hour. You can either:
    • contact your Administrator to flush the respective cache in the Cache Management page, to see the updates immediately, or
    • wait for the select lists to load once the cache is cleared and the latest updates are retrieved.

SQL script

Method of locating script


Specifies the list of options where SQL scripts are located. The results will be based on the scripts present in the selected location.

  • Attachment - The script is read from the list of options selected for the following parameters:
    • Space - Lists all available spaces.
    • Page - Lists all the pages available from the selected space.
      The following options indicate:
      • @self - current space or page
      • @home - homepage of current space

      • @parent - parent page of current page or space

  • Template - Scripts is read from a global page template specified in the 'Name of the template' field. 

(info) Special note: How to deal with templates on Confluence 4.3 and later.

  • Filename - The script is read from the input specified in the 'File name' field. You can specify the file located in confluence home directory/script/filename, also subdirectories.
  • File encoding - Encoding for an external file if different from the system default handling. Default file encoding is UTF8.


p1 through pn

Click + Add parameter (s) to create a set of optional data parameters to refine your SQL statements during runtime.

Each parameter field allows you to create a set of optional data parameters to refine your query. Parameters apply to your SQL statements during runtime. Simply enter the number of parameters you want to create in the Start with parameter (s) field and click + Add parameter (s) to define the parameters. You can define multiple parameters by clicking + Add valuethere is no limit to the number of parameters you can add.

For example,

select * from example where name = ? or  department = ?

Values for SQL parameter markers identified by "?" in SQL statements. On untrusted sites, prevent SQL injection attacks by using parameter markers. This is only necessary when the SQL statements are partially constructed from user input. Wiki markup SQL macros support an arbitrary number of parameter markers. An arbitrary number of parameter markers can be provided when using the wiki markup version of the SQL macro. See Wikipedia: SQL injection.


Auto commit SQL statements OnWikipedia: Autocommit or see your database documentation.autoCommit
Transaction isolation level Default

Most DBMSs offer a number of transaction isolation levels, which control the degree of locking that occurs when selecting data. You can select among a list of 5 kinds of transaction isolation levels:

  • Read committed
  • Read uncommitted
  • Repeatable read
  • Serializable: This is the highest isolation level.
  • None: Skips adding any controls while your data is being selected. 

To know more about what you can do with each type, refer to Wikipedia: Isolation or See your database documentation.

  • The default transaction isolation level is set by the administrator via the Global configuration page.
  • Selecting a value from the list overrides the default. 
  • Database and JDBC drivers should support the selected transaction isolation level.
Maximum number of rows to retrieve and displayDefault

Specify the upper limit for the number of rows your SQL query returns. Administrators can configure the limit.

  • The default value is set by the administrator via the Global configuration page or Profile configuration page.
  • Selecting a value from the list overrides the default. The order of overriding the default setting is:
    • Macro level parameter > Profile configuration > Global configuration.
  • Administrators can prevent overriding the Limit rows processed parameter and enforce the default value set on the Global configuration page by enabling the Restrict overriding global configuration limits flag. Refer to Get Started - Configuration - 11.x.
Maximum number of seconds for query to run Default

Time in seconds that a query runs before a forced timeout. The default value is set by your Confluence administrator in the global configuration for SQL for Confluence. Since 5.1.

  • The default value is set by the administrator via the Global configuration page or Profile configuration page.
  • Selecting a value from the list overrides the default. The order of overriding the default setting is Macro level parameter > Profile configuration > Global configuration.
  • To know more about how the queryTimeout parameter value is evaluated, refer to the scenario illustrations page Limit query time - 11.x.
  • Your database and JDBC driver must support the selected value to use this parameter.
  • This parameter can be managed by Macro Security for Confluence App.
  • Administrators can prevent overriding the Limit query time parameter and enforce the default value set on the Global configuration page by enabling the Restrict overriding global configuration limits flag. Refer to Get Started - Configuration - 11.x.
Render wiki markup macros in body OffIf requested, the body will be rendered to expand wiki markup macros. The rendered macros must produce valid SQL syntax. This is useful to run macros from Scripting for Confluence or similar that can produce SQL output.macros

Display settings

Data layout

Output formathtml

Specifies how the output is formatted:

  • HTML - Generates HTML from the result set. Data is HTML encoded unless data encoding is disabled.
  • XHTML (Pro Edition) - Generates and renders XHTML from the result set. Data is HTML encoded unless encoding has been disabled (disableAntiXss).
  • Wiki - Generates and renders wiki markup from the result set. If the data contains unintended wiki markup characters, set the escape parameter On.
  • unrenderedWiki (Pro Edition) - Generates wiki markup from the result set, similar to wiki, without rendering. Wraps with a table-plus macro suitable for copying to another system.
Display rows vertically or horizontallyverticalNote that most of the styling, formatting, sorting, auto, and similar parameters are applicable to only the vertical orientation setting.rowOrientation
Show results as a tableOnTurn this toggle on to produce single values that you want to include in the text.table
Use database column labelsOffChoose whether to use a column name or column label for a row header.columnLabel
Show number of rows updatedOffFor update SQL, determines whether or not to show the number of rows updated as a result of the operation.showUpdateCount
Show error if there are no rowsOffA ResultSet with no rows may indicate an error. Use this parameter to control what should happen in this case. A non-blank message must be available (noDataMessage).noDataError
Text to display when there are no rows
Use @default to show a default error message. The message in this field is displayed only if Show results as a table is selected.noDataMessage
Advanced formatting

Show generated wiki markupOffWhen the output is wiki-based, choose this option to show the generated wiki markup.showWiki
Escape special wiki charactersOffWhen the output is wiki-based, choose this option to escape special characters in wiki markup. Use this to prevent unintended wiki characters from interfering with table formatting.escape
Convert null fields to blankOnUse this parameter to avoid displaying null values in the column.convertNull
Stop encoding HTML charactersOffIf the SQL is producing HTML, this parameter needs to be selected (On). User must be authorized (via global app configuration or by more fine-grained control using Macro Security for Confluence) to use this option due to security considerations.disableAntiXss
Expand array fieldsOnFor vertical row orientation, array fields can be expanded to one entry per line.expandArray
Show SQLOffDisplays SQL in a code macro.showSql
Options for showing SQL code
Since 6.4. A comma-separated list of code or code-pro (Code Pro Macro) parameters used when Show SQL is selected. This allows for customization of how the SQL code is shown. See How to improve the display of SQL source.showSqlOptions

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