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Comala Publishing - assets
Comala Publishing - assets

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Getting started

Comala Publishing for Confluence Cloud is a separate app that enables publishing of Cloud publishes and syncs pages between spaces in the same Confluence site - content can be published from a draft space to a public space.


Comala Publishing can be used to publish your draft pages from one space to another space in the same Confluence site

The publishing action copies each page’s content from the source (draft) space to the target (public) space maintaining the content hierarchy where possible.

To publish pages a user requires view and edit permissions on both the draft space and the public space content.

Enable Comala Publishing for a space

Publishing must be enabled and configured for a space via the space tools App links Comala Publishing dashboard in the source (draft) space.


Publishing setup wizard

In the Comala Publishing dashboard


The publishing set-up tool is only available if the space is being setup for the first time or any publishsing configuration has been cleared using the Clear Publishing Configuration option.


Publishing dashboard

When a target space is selected and saved in the publishing dashboard and publishing is enabled the app can publish a page from the current space to a target (public) space.


By default, on adding the target space the following options are displayed.


Publishing Setting


Default - on adding the target space




Enable publishing


(tick) (Enabled)



Copy content Properties


Displayed as (tick) (enabled by default)


  • page content properties are copied when publishing a page in the space using single-page publishing and space publishing

    • can be disabled by the space administrator

    • may want to disable this option if there is a 3rd party app in the target space and do not want to override the page properties when publishing a page, for example, if you have applied a Comala workflow on pages in both the source space and the target space


Enable single page publishing


Displayed as (tick) (enabled by default)


  • adds a Publish button to each page in the source space to allow a user to publish each individual page to the target space

    • can be disabled by the space administrator so only whole space publishing can be undertaken


Space publishing


Displayed with Publish space button


  • a space administrator can publish all the source space content at one time

Publishing Pages

Once a space is configured for publishing you can publish pages using standalone publishing or together with an applied workflow from one of the Comala Document Management family of apps.

These publishing actions are

Table of Contents

Single-page publishing

A user can publish each page manually using the publishing byline added to the page.


Single-page publishing can be disabled for a space by the space administrator. This can be useful if you want to limit publishing to whole space publishing by the space administrator or publishing on an applied Comala workflow event.

Space publishing

A space administrator can publish all the content from a source space to a target space in a single publishing action using the Publish space option in the space settings publishing dashboard.


A progress bar displays the space publishing action progress.


Successful publishing is confirmed in the dashboard. The confirmation includes the date, time and the user who actioned space publishing.


If the space publish action was unable to publish all the source pages, the space publishing dashboard will display a listing of the unsuccessful pages.


If the space has no pages (except the home page), space publishing will not occur. This will be confirmed in an on-screen notification.


Publish content on an applied Comala workflow event

You can also choose to publish pages together with an applied Comala Document Management workflow.

Publishing on the added workflow transition to a final state

A Comala workflow can invoke the publishing action to a specified target (public) space when the workflow reaches the workflow final state on the page in the source (draft) space.


Publish pages using a workflow JSON trigger

Comala Document Management for cloud provides the option to edit a workflow event trigger publish a page.

  • Code Block
    [{"event":"_transition/change-state","conditions":[{"state":"In Approval"}],"actions":[{"action":"publishing/sync-page"}]}]

Publishing confirmation

The successful copy of a page to the target space is confirmed in an on-screen message.


A message is displayed on a page for successful single-page publish action or a successful publish action using a Comala workflow.

You will need to refresh the source space page to display the publishing confirmation message.

When using space publishing the successful copy of the page in a space is confirmed in the space settings Publishing dashboard.


On each page published page in the source page, a successful publishing confirmation message is displayed on viewing the page.


What is copied from the draft pages to the target space?

Each published page will include

  • the content title

  • the content body

  • attachments

  • content properties*

  • content labels

When publishing the page

  • links to local pages in the source space will be replaced with the links for the content in the target space

When publishing a previously published updated page

  • Comala Publishing deletes the previously published page and copies the updated page as a new page in the target space


* Copying content properties when publishing a page can be disabled in the source space settings publishing dashboard.

What is not copied?

Comala Publishing Cloud does not support publishing

  • the home page of a space and cannot be used to publish blog posts.

  • custom content properties for Comala Read Confirmations app and Comala Document Management Family of apps

  • the source space Confluence version

The following is also not published from the source space

  • inline comments

  • page-level permissions

  • comments

  • archived pages

The publishing status is copied but is not visible on the content for users with view-only permission.

Content properties are copied by default when publishing a page. This can be disabled for a space in the space settings publishing dashboard.

Page hierarchy

The content will maintain the page hierarchy where possible (but in some instances the order of the content may not necessarily be maintained). If the copying of the hierarchy is not possible then the copy is made to the root of the destination space.

  • the hierarchy will be maintained as long as the parent page exists in the destination space

  • if the hierarchy cannot be maintained the page will be copied into the root of the destination space and a warning message will be shown to the user


If you had previously published a page that had resulted in the page being published into the root of the destination space then any subsequent publishing of the source space page will simply copy the page but not any changes in the page tree parent.

Publishing user permissions

To configure publishing a user needs to have space administrator permission in both the source space and the target space.

When publishing space pages

  • a space administrator requires view and edit permission for all the pages in the source space and target space

  • a user publishing an individual page needs view and edit permission the page in the source space and target space

A user also needs to have the following permissions in the target space to publish a draft page:

  • View All

  • Add and Delete Pages

  • Add and Delete Attachments

Also ensure that in the target space, the page you are publishing does not have any page restrictions limiting your access.

If the space administrator does not have view/edit permission for a page, Comala Publishing will not publish that page

  • the page will not be included in the list of 'Pages not published'  in the source space Publishing dashboard when the space publishing action is complete.


Child pages (Children Display)

Publishing space administration

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "cp_spaceadmin" and space = currentSpace ( )

Comala Document Management Family of apps


Comala Document Management for Confluence Cloud


Comala Document Control for Confluence Cloud


A space administrator must enable publishing from a source space to a target space and have Confluence permissions for both spaces.

After the space is set up for publishing, a space administrator can publish all pages at once and configure the publishing settings to grant or deny permission for page editors to publish on a page-by-page basis.

Both editors and space administrators can track the page sync state using the publishing report, which is accessed from the source space.

Enable publishing in a space

The space administrator can configure and enable publishing in a space using the setup tool in the publishing dashboard.


Publishing settings and permissions

After enabling the space for publishing by adding a target space, the space administrator can use the publishing dashboard to manage what is copied for a page and how pages can be published.


A user publishing a page and a space administrator publishing all the pages in a space require view and edit permission in the source space. By default, the add-on user is set as the user performing the publishing action, and the Comala Publishing app add-on user permissions in the target space are used for publishing.

If the app add-on user is not selected in the Select user performing publishing action setting, the user performing the publishing action needs view and edit permission in the target space as well as in the source space.


Page-level restrictions can affect the ability to publish a page if the publishing user is not included in the restrictions.

Publishing pages

There are two ways to publish pages using the app on its own:

Single-page publishing

Page editors can publish single pages using the publishing byline to open the publishing popup


Space publishing

Space administrators can publish all the pages in a space in a single publishing action using the Publish space option in the space settings publishing dashboard.


Comala Publishing also works with our Comala Document Management family of apps using an added Comala workflow. Adding automated workflows to your pages and spaces helps you better manage the document lifecycle, automatically allowing audiences to see published pages upon approval.

After publishing is configured for a space, you can track what pages and spaces are in sync using the publishing report.


The space administrator can also publish pages directly from the report.

Get started

Child pages (Children Display)